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  1. Hello, I got a new device and needed to update my UDID for my App+ subscription. When I was entering the information for the invoice number I mistyped the last digit and when pressing the backspace button my finger missed and hit “return” which submitted the request for the incorrect invoice number.
  2. Yeah we need free shopping for this.
  3. Unless Unc0ver automatically installs one, then no. RocketBootStrap is 1.0.6 and Cephei is 1.13.1-2
  4. I am also on iOS 12.4 iPhone 8+ when I do this the app still crashes. Did you get Shadow from a different source? The one I have says it’s not compatible with 12.4.
  5. Name of the game you want hacked: Tap Tap Fish - Abyssrium Version of the game: 1.15.0 iTunes Link for the app: Tap Tap Fish - AbyssRium by SangHeon Kim https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tap-tap-fish-abyssrium/id1068366937 Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken: Either. There is currently an outdated non-jailbroken one so if that’s easier, then that works! Requested Features: All of the features the current outdated hack by @Laxus has are great, increase vitality instead of decrease, increase event candy instead of decrease. I have thoroughly tested the old outdated hack and it did not work for pearls. If the new updated one could work for pears that would be great. I know pearls are kept server side but I wasn’t sure if the increase rather than decrease could get around that. Also I’m sure a free shipping mod would not be doable but that would be nice. TL;DR same features as the old outdated hack work but some new ones would be great. Thanks for everything you guys do!
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  6. @Laxus the app is currently version 1.15.0 could we get an update? Tap Tap Fish - AbyssRium by SangHeon Kim https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tap-tap-fish-abyssrium/id1068366937
  7. @Laxus will there be an update for the latest version? Also are there any plans on adding a way to get free pearls or free iaps? Thanks for all of your work!
  8. Thanks for everything! Will there be an update? Also any plans for infinite pearls, or free iaps? Thanks again, love the hacks!
  9. Hello! I’m new here and I can’t wait to download some non-jailbreak hacks! What are your favorites? I’d love to hear!
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