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Posts posted by Gideon48

  1. 4 hours ago, Ahmedoo94 said:

    Make sure you select your game from the IGG menu so that it can appear in your game.🙂

    Yes sorry 😆 so the overly just doesn’t show up in one game, atom rpg, I did select it in the IGG menu not sure why it isn’t showing up for that game. But it works fine for the others. 

  2. @Ahmedoo94 now igamegods doesn’t seem to show up in any of my games. I’ve tried to reinstall it, I rejailbreaked my iPad but nothing seems to work now. Know if this is an update issue?

    sorry I guess it’s just only happening to one of my games called Atom RPG, I realized I didn’t select ark or other games in the igamegods option menu.


    still it’s weird that only one game it doesn’t show me the igamegod overlay. 

  3. 54 minutes ago, Ahmedoo94 said:

    Yes, that's why I wanted to know if it was on all games or only on one game in particular.
    If it's only on the Ark game it means you can't use it with Igamegod unfortunately.

    Well this is the strange thing, because i was able to use it on ark before, like only two weeks ago. there hasn't been an update for ark either, so I dont understand why it just stopped working for ark.

  4. 4 hours ago, Ahmedoo94 said:


    Does this happen for all games or a specific game?:thinking:

    Funny you should mention this, it’s only started happening for ark. I tried to use it on other games last night and it works fine. So I need to add that to my description 

    i just changed the title. I’ve also already made a topic on ark but I didn’t realize that this was only happening on ark and not on other games. Not sure where to go from here. 

  5. As the title says, igamegod crashes, but only when i use it to find any sort of item, not when i open it and only when I use it on ark mobile. I was previously able to use it on ark, I even was able to give myself a hundred thousand metal, but now it just crashes. I am using an iPad Pro with ios 13.7. I used Uncover to jailbreak my ipad. I am using a dummy account to sign in as was requested. 

    I looked for crash logs, however analytics doesn't produce a crash log for some reason. 

    1) i open ark and the igamegod gear symbol pops up

    2) I load my single player game and then open up igamegod

    3) i do a search for an item, punch in the number and search

    4) igamegod searches, and after a little bit crashes the game.

    5) no logs show up in analytics for the crash.

  6. 22 hours ago, Rook said:


    Does the same issue happen if you use these links and follow this tutorial instead?


    Hey @Rook I haven’t been able to get to my computer to try again yet but I had a weird question, my iPad isn’t on the correct date or time, I was time spamming for ark just for giggles and I’m wondering if that has any effect on installing a jailbreak?

  7. Hi all,


    I am currently having issues with installing Unc0ver through sideloadly. I am using an iPad Pro with ios 13.7. I am using a dummy account to sign in as was requested. I have restarted my ipad, i have reinstalled sideloadly, but these solutions do not seem to help. I get the ERROR: Guru Meditation 6020bc message. below is the full diagnosis. please let me know if there is anything I can do to fix this. 

    Log start:

    Sideloadly version 0.18.1, Windows 10.0, amd64

    Using IPA file: C:/Users/name/Downloads/Unc0ver iOS 11.0 - 14.3 Jailbreak No Jailbreak Cheats 6.1.2 Hacked IPA by iOSGods.com.ipa: cd762d8e35720062cd1abd62db1974c2

    Checking iOS version...

    iOS version 13.7, will mangle bundleID

    Obtaining team ID

    Using team "[name here]" (Individual) with id XXXXXXXX

    Making sure device ID xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is registered

    Device xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is already registered

    Checking private key

    Looking up app ID

    Using app ID "unc0ver" with id XXXXXXXX





    Installing 5%: CreatingStagingDirectory

    Installing 15%: ExtractingPackage

    Installing 20%: InspectingPackage

    Installing 20%: TakingInstallLock

    Installing 30%: PreflightingApplication

    Installing 30%: InstallingEmbeddedProfile

    Installing 40%: VerifyingApplication

    Installation failed: 3892346901 ApplicationVerificationFailed (Failed to verify code signature of /private/var/installd/Library/Caches/com.apple.mobile.installd.staging/temp.8ywxpy/extracted/Payload/unc0ver.app : 0xe8008015 (A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found.))

    ERROR: Guru Meditation 6020bc@525:f11511 3892346901: ApplicationVerificationFailed (Failed to verify code signature of /private/var/installd/Library/Caches/com.apple.mobile.installd.staging/temp.8ywxpy/extracted/Payload/unc0ver.app : 0xe8008015 (A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found.))

    Log end.

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