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Mr Hunt

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Status Updates posted by Mr Hunt

  1. So difficult to find my old acc. But Hey!

    1. 0xNoctis


      "your old account"

      this account joined date is 2015 Pog

    2. Rook


      Mr Hunt! I remember you hehehe! Hi!

    3. Mr Hunt

      Mr Hunt

      That’s still 5 years ago!

  2. It took me 8 days to find my old account by going through your millions of messages until I was mentioned.

    1. Zahir


      :hi: Good to see you again :blush: 

  3. It's Been A While.

    1. rjd3


      Welcome back :)

  4. I'm homeless. Anyone want to fund me a spare dollar.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr Hunt

      Mr Hunt

      It's kinda of a sad story really, it's not permanent but it's at least for 6 weeks.

      I got into trouble with a young foster care who lives at my house; I had allegations against me which are completely untrue; however I have to wait until investigation is completed: until then I'm not allowed at my house and I'm couch surfing.

    3. Top Dog

      Top Dog

      I'm sorry to hear that, too bad the kids that make those false allegations are never held responsible and just grow up to be liars.

    4. Mr Hunt

      Mr Hunt

      It wasn't the kid at mine that said the allegations, we had an emergency kid, and he was the one that caused all these issues.

    5. Top Dog

      Top Dog

      its always a rough variable. either way i hope you end up alright. i would donate but my budget is pretty right rifht now :/

    6. Mr Hunt

      Mr Hunt

      So is mine. >.<

  5. Anyone able to hack dragon ball z dokkan japan? even if its just one character?

    1. Zahir


      10$ , i hack it for u

    2. Mr Hunt

      Mr Hunt

      Does that mean every update it's going to cost me?


    3. Mr Hunt

      Mr Hunt

      If this is still the case I'll pay anytime long as you teach me too :3

  6. Anime section a go ahead?

  7. Everyone who is an anime fan, should vote in the poll! http://iosgods.com/topic/16079-anime-lounge/

  8. One sheep, two sheep, three sheep, floor.

  9. Hi ho hi ho off to work I go.

    1. Rook


      He's a jolly good fellow

  10. Time to relaxxxxx

  11. watching Da Vincis Demons

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