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Everything posted by KyosukeNanbu

  1. To make it work- copy the js script url, open h5gg, go to script- network- paste js script- run js, find your “final attack” (not your attack), type that into final attack and run ohk mode. Do the same with “final def” and run godmode. Done. (If you change your stats you’ll need to run program again and if you don’t have high enough stats to kill the boss it’ll come back as error- raise your stats and try again)
  2. 99 little bugs in the code, 99 little bugs, you take one down and patch it around, 125 little bugs in the code 

  3. Why don’t you just request an update on the one already made?
  4. There’s already a jailbroken version of this which you can get on your non jailbroken device
  5. Non jailbroken devices can use jailbroken hacks.. just letting you know
  6. Happy Easter to all of the iOSGods community! ♥️

    1. Kobina


      wait it is easter already? Time moves so fast


    2. KyosukeNanbu


      lol you’re not wrong 🤣

    3. Hannibalking
  7. I’m so lucky to be part of such an amazing community! Thank you iOSGods team and members! Much love! ♥️

  8. Hit multiplier x shuri count = 1 shot almost everything 🤔😅. Kinda sus if you have a giant circle of ultimates if you ask me.. Thanks again Alyssa! Working amazingly smooth!
  9. I can always try again. Not your fault at all! You’re only trying to help us 😁. Just wish I could figure out where they’re catching us haha
  10. How do you level and get stronger but not get rank? I was in starlight server and rank 1800 in bp but I didn’t do the focus time because I figured the weekly ranking would be caught. I only ever used the cooldown/mana/pierce since dmg mods usually get banned too lol
  11. It is what it is. But if anyone has been using this for a long time and hasn’t got banned, please pm me and let me know which mods have stayed under the radar. Thank you in advance! And also thank you Tien for always going above and beyond for us! 😁
  12. Was working great for weeks but as soon as I installed the new version of tweak I got banned that night 😔
  13. First of all, thank you! secondly, is it possible to get the hacks separated instead of it saying “all in one”? When using the chest speed it’s kinda making me stuck and not be able to push anything.
  14. It reads as 1.981 in AppStore but when I used AppStore++ it says it’s version 1.990. I think because they had a lot of problems but I’m not 100% sure. even when using appspoofer it needs to be set at 1.990. If that helps.
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