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Everything posted by KyosukeNanbu

  1. There was another member who mentioned that they didn’t have to start again. When refreshing app in sideloadly, do not delete app, it will auto refresh after 7 days so just plug your device into pc and it will refresh for you without deleting data.
  2. It makes me happy that you got it working for you! Thank you for sharing your method and I hope you enjoy the game/mod! 🙂
  3. No problem! I’m happy to hear you’re enjoying it! There was another member who commented on here saying they updated and didn’t lose progress but I can’t say for sure as I’ve only updated through AppStore. If youre using sideloadly or TrollStore to update then don’t delete app, just install over top and that should keep save progress 🙂
  4. He should be able to help you! I don’t have any control or knowledge about behind the scenes stuff 😅
  5. No, that should work. Which install method did you use? Paid dev account through iOSGods app? If that’s the case then please contact Rook with your information. I’m unable to help when it comes to that stuff.
  6. Had the same crashing issue and tested. what I did was uninstalled AppStore app, redownloaded, turned on shadow bypass (essential and recommended hooks) and used crane lite to wipe data before opening game. Opened game and finished tutorial then mods work great, damage and other options working normally 👍
  7. Tested on iphone 12pm, 17.4 - sideloadly install. Works great! Nice work Laxus ♥️
  8. I’ll look for this as well but it’s less likely. Most time related options are protected but I’ll try!
  9. I can definitely take a look when I have time 🙂 thank you for the suggestion.
  10. Hello! Sorry to hear about your inconvenience of ads but they help support the site! No ads is a feature for vip and above members. Rook made an awesome forum about the requirements and how to rank up on iOSGods which you can find here:
  11. Np! I hope you’re enjoying it! Thank you so much for the suggestions! I haven’t unlocked the mine or fishing in game yet (haven’t had the time to play) but was planning on adding some features for them in the near future. 🙂
  12. I did try this one. I won’t be able to release a mod for it. Sorry!
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