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  1. SOLUTION FOR INSTALLING CSR: I managed to install it after many tries/ 1. Download Ipa CSR from this topic with Sideloadly 2. Airdrop your IPA CSR to your iphone 3. Install Scarlet on your iphone: https://usescarlet.com/ 4. Once installed, open Scarlet and at the top right the icon with the arrow pointing downwards, go and find your ipa, and install it. 5. There will be two installations, 1 from Scralet and the other will ask you to install csr, follow the instructions. However, at some point it will ask you for your apple id for installation, followed by the installation of a scarlet profile for signing. (Total installation time = 4 minutes) Scarlet and CSR @Rook
  2. hello guys, why do I get this message on every installation I run with Sideloadly : There was an issue during installation: 3892346881: ApplicationVerificationFailed (Failed to verify code signature of /var/installd/Library/Caches/com.apple.mobile.installd.staging/temp.fxHzr5/extracted/Payload/FIFAMobile.app : 0xe8008001 (An unknown error has occurred.)) Help me pleaz
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