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  1. @Joka having issues on start up going through the iOS gods messages, after that the game freezes and nothing moves
  2. Hey, for some reason after I click through the iOS gods prompts the game freezes and I can’t click on my screen
  3. Idk I might try that as a last resort. Its strange because I’ve never had an issue with impactor before all this.
  4. I don’t think this is the issue? I do have a horrible setup but I’ve tried this with my brothers computer which definitely is not a potato in the slightest. And I get an error when Cydia closes. It just tells me that Cydia impactor has stopped working
  5. Yeah. Just tried this. Along with running it in administrator mode. Same thing happened. Cydia impactor closes abruptly with no error message no nothing. As if it wasn’t even on.
  6. Yeah I’ve tried all those things. I haven’t tried messing with windows 7 or comparability modes so I’ll try those
  7. Things go smoothly until maybe about halfway. Cydia impactor just closes with no error no anything it just shuts off. The process completely disappears and I can’t find it working in the background through task manager. I’ve tried all fixes I’ve seen online but I can’t seem to find any that actuslly work for me. If anyone has any advice/fix I would really really appreciate it.
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