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Everything posted by de2ndlaw

  1. You can just set the no. of times to run to 0, its the same as 99999 i.e. Unlimited runs
  2. Well, that's just, like, your opinion man.

  3. Need to remind myself constantly that I am not a child and some things aren't worth arguing over.

  4. Need help from any VIP users for testing a mod for BF T_T Your help will be greatly appreciated!!

    1. Earthiest


      Me :) I'd love to help!

    2. Srau


      Just shoot me a PM!

    3. Svensken


      Id rather shoot you in the face.

  5. Just.. how?

    1. Incognite


      with your mom >:)


      jk :)

    2. cu_rry
    3. de2ndlaw


      oh look, a mom joke. Would you like a cookie?

    4. Incognite


      yup :) with lemon frostings :p

  6. Just be any where in the country HAHA
  7. Just migrate here and you can get it
  8. Taking Java class T_T

    1. Goggwell


      I hope you learn good :) Java is a beast lang

    2. de2ndlaw
  9. No matter how hard you try to make them, there's always one that is averse to reading.

  10. Some people need to learn how to read.

  11. Need to stop asking for spoonfeeds

    1. Asclepius


      I'll spoon feed you bro ;)

    2. Rook


      Not awkward at all ^^

    3. Asclepius


      ^ B) We cool like that, hahha.

    4. de2ndlaw
  12. Because Windows 8 was so shit that they skipped a number to avoid bad luck. Someone had to say it
  13. My own noobness disgusts me.

    1. Klepto


      You all disgust me

    2. Rook


      Klepto overnoob

    3. NitroxicDemon


      Klepto king of noobs

    4. Raggnar


      Klepto iosgodnoob

  14. This makes apps slow as hell though. Does this offer more functionality than something like SnoopIt?
  15. Autotouch - the best thing since sliced bread.

    1. Diversityy


      I love toast.

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