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Happy Secret

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Posts posted by Happy Secret

  1. 57 minutes ago, ꞋꞌꞋꞌꞋꞌꞋꞌ said:

    yeah but where do you find the static-inline folder on Documents app (iOS) ? 

    Yeah itunes can do it if im right, but well this tut is for newbies that don't know how to share files 

    Don't need the Documents app (iOS).

    Use the Apple's iOS Files app (default install). It can access the static-inline-hook folder if we Sideload with "Enable File Sharing" on.  

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  2. UPDATE: You can achieve this with JIT from Sideloadly/Altstore/etc now

    First and foremost this trick is not for everyone.

    It is mostly for those casual hacker who will do some dynamic hacking with debugger, while won’t spend a lot of time in front of PC.

    Casual, in a sense that he/she does not have a jailbroken device.

    He/she would like to do some causal hacking with in travel or away from PC.

    This Trick allow you to test your hack with H5GG in real-time.
    YES, no need to repackage and re-sideload.


    - Xcode
    - Subway Surfers

    First, please follow ꞋꞌꞋꞌꞋꞌꞋꞌ ’s tutorial (H5GG Full Tutorial [Offset Patching + Hooking] for Non-Jailbroken/Jailbreak Devices !) to get Subway Surfers with H5GG & h5frida sideloaded to your Non-Jailbroken device.

    Below is a modify version of CodePatchOffsetWithBytes.js (see H5GG GitHub) for Subway Surfers 3.6.0 (Always can Jump hack)

    var modules = h5gg.getRangesList("UnityFramework"); //module file name
    var base = modules[0].start; //module base addr in runtime memory
    var addr = Number(base) + 0x1B39598; //offset
    patchBytes(addr,  "200080D2C0035FD6"); //bytes
    //Usually only jailbroken devices can do this, but we have a trick
    function patchBytes(addr, hex) {
        for(i = 0;i<hex.length/2;i++) {
            var item = parseInt(hex.substring(i*2, i*2+2), 16);
            h5gg.setValue(addr+i,item, "U8");

    This code is supposed only work with Jailbroken device.

    Save it in your iOS device, reachable by iOS Files App.

    Here is the Tricks.

    1. Run Subway Surfers on iOS device
    2. Connect your iOS device to your PC
    3. Open up Xcode, create a random project.
    4. Attach debugger to your iOS’s Subway Surfers process (Debug -> Attach to Process, be sure you are project runtime is pointing at your iOS device) 
    5. After the debugger attached to your game, go to your game and inject the script with H5GG by clicking “the Scripts” button, and click on “Load” to find your script.
    6. Boom, the hack is done.

    Yes, if you do not have debugger on, the game will normally crash immediately due to invalid memory access (code section in memory is protected under non-jailbroken device, with one exception - when it is tagged as under debugging)

    At this point, you may ask, does it mean we need to have debugger always turn on, for this hack. It is pretty useless.

    The answer is NO. You can now try detach the debugger (Either disconnect your iOS device or Xcode -> Debug -> Detach)

    Try your hack scripts again. Or change to any script that hack different offsets.

    The game WON’T Crash. It is because the Debugging state of the App is very sticky. It won’t reset before your restart your App/Game.

    In fact, you just need to attached and detach immediately. The debugging state is already registered.

    So, Enjoy casual hacking with live code patching on non-jailbroken device.


    1. I haven’t try if h5frida Interceptor work in this way. I will give it a try later. But I guess, likely not work. Or it mean we can do live hooking as well. Too good to be true.
    2. I guess ios-deploy might able to create the same Debugging state without Xcode as well. I haven't try as well.


    Credits :

    @tuancc the H5GG tool

     @ꞋꞌꞋꞌꞋꞌꞋꞌ for the tutorial on H5GG tutorial

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  3. 1 hour ago, ꞋꞌꞋꞌꞋꞌꞋꞌ said:

    On part 2, i will probably make a tut with a mod menu, but for the first part i just wanted to people know how to patch and hook. 

    And also, afaik Documents app doesn't let you access app content in /Documents of Subway Surfer (in the case of the tutorial) even if the app has File Sharing enable. (at least on a fully jailed phone)

    I will edit the topic once i have time to add Discord link and official Github

    If you are on Mac, you can actually AirDrop the framework file to Mac. This is my default option

  4. 5 minutes ago, ꞋꞌꞋꞌꞋꞌꞋꞌ said:

    Yep, but here are the basics, after that you can make an HTML Mod Menu and create a dylib that contains your HTML + JS. then you can inject it on an iPA and you wont need to inject the script or anything.


    HTML + JS injection is fine. But UnityFramework need to patch once before ActiveCodePatch works, this is never mentioned in their example scripts. Not even in GitHub. 

    But yes, I can understand there will always be a gap between what we can do with jailbroken or not. H5GG already made a huge step forward to close the gap. It will be a plus, if we can help improve documentation a bit.

  5. 5 hours ago, ꞋꞌꞋꞌꞋꞌꞋꞌ said:

    yep you are right ! 

    welcome !

    I have just test it again and finally worked.

    it is really 

    • First run is just to prepare the Framework (insert function). The real effect happens when we use the patched framework with the function call to enable/disable.

    You will probably want to include a hint/note to your tutorial about this.

    The error message is not sufficient. It can’t explain what to expect.


    Anyway, it is not the type of in memory hook/patch that I expect. It requires a repackage and redeployment for non-jailbroken.

    Hope there is a way to do pure in memory hook / patch (without modifying the binary).


    Did Frida allow us to do that? I used to test patches with Xcode (LLDB), but it requires a PC connection.

  6. 40 minutes ago, ꞋꞌꞋꞌꞋꞌꞋꞌ said:

    edit :

    oh you mean the UnityFramework patched ? well i didn't looked at the data at the offset 0x1B...98, but it's seems normal to me that's it's not 2000...FD6, otherwise it will always be enable. i think that it creates another function on the UnityFramework (at another place) and at 0x1B...98, it calls it.

    so if there is no script running, we shouldn't be able to jump always, but when we load our script, it probably jump to our created function in the UnityFramework, and so it return 2000..FD6 at our function (maybe at 0x264ab4c) and if we unload the script, the original bytes in the memory will load again making "normal jumps"


    (this is my personal analysis, it may not be 100% right but this is how i visual it) 

    video https://streamable.com/5g6nvz

    So, it could be my concept is wrong from beginning.
    First time the script run, we, in fact, expect the alert come and provide a patched version of the UnityFramework inside the static-inline-hook folder.

    The patched version of UnityFramework has embedded a new function inside. 

    From we call the ActiveCodePatch or StaticInlineHookFunction the second time onwards, it starts to take effect.


    First run is just to prepare the Framework (insert function). The real effect happens when we use the patched framework with the function call to enable/disable.


    Let me test it our again later tonight.

    Thanks for the help.

  7. Update on the hook:

    Not sure why I got hook fail as well.

    frida(脚本日志)script log:
    Documents/static-inline-hook目录中,请将该目录中所有文件替换到 ipa中的.app目录并重新签名安装!
    The offset has not been patched, the patched file will be generated in the Documents/static-inline-hook directory of the APP, please replace all the files in this directory to the app directory in the ipa and re-sign and reinstall!

    Issue for me is: The h5frida internal function find_hook_block always return NULL, and reporting “cannot parse hook info!” In NSLog.

    This internal function is being use for ActiveCodePatch and StaticInlineHookFunction.

    I don’t know how to debug further.

  8. Quick test result:

    1. I also got the the UnityFramework patched by h5frida and stored inside static-inline-hook folder

    2. With a detail look into it, the hex code of the instruction (patched) doesn't look right to me.

    Orignal at 0x1B39598 is FD7BBFA9FD030091

    - stp x29, x30, [sp, #-0x10]!
    - mov x29, sp

    After patch at 0x1B39598 is CF2A9914FD030091

    - b #0x264ab4c
    - mov x29, sp

    What we are expecting at 0x1B39598 is 200080D2C0035FD6, Right??

    - mov x0, #1
    - ret 

    Tested in game, always Can Jump is not working. Same as my try in another game these few days. 

    I am using iPadOS 16.2 (non-jailbreak) with iPad Pro 2nd Gen.  

  9. On 9/1/2022 at 4:15 PM, ꞋꞌꞋꞌꞋꞌꞋꞌ said:

    after you can calc the base adress :


    //get bin or framework

    var framework = h5gg.getRangesList("UnityFramework");

    //calculate base adresse + offset to prepare patch

    var adr = Number(framework[0].start) + 0xOffset;

    //patch offset



    i think there are better examples in the link :)

    Hello, the link document is gone. Can help upload one back? Thanks in advance

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