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  1. Could this please be updated to the latest version 1.0.99 please? Thanks very much in advance!
  2. I didn’t even get that far. Loaded it up and bam goes the ban hammer 🤣
  3. You got Filza through Cydia? Once you have that you can download the .deb hack file through Safari and then save to Filza. Then by opening Filza to it’s default location you will find the .deb hack file to install.
  4. Tried using Filza and saving .deb file to the Documents folder and installing from there?
  5. Just in case anyone had trouble getting this hack to work, I opened the game, then turned on the hack. Once currencies are at max, close the app and re-open. When you have loaded the app again you should have max currency and it safe to turn off the hack. The max currencies should stay now. Thanks for the hack DanYal!
  6. Any chance this could be updated to v2.14.0 (current version)? Many thanks in advance.
  7. Could this be updated to v1.0.96? With many thanks!
  8. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all. I hope everyone's dreams and aspirations become reality in the new year!
  9. Happy Birthday iosgods. A massive thank-you to all the hackers for making games enjoyable!
  10. Thanks for the giveaway DiDA. Happy Holidays everyone!!
  11. After installing the hack and respringing your device, did you check if the hack appears under Settings and if so, have you turned it on?
  12. Worked perfectly on iphone 6s running 9.0.2. Thank you very much!
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