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Everything posted by dj_TK

  1. opengl chams seem to not work anymore for c-ops and many other ios games.
  2. All speed is working for me. Try removing all wwr tweaks in cydia then install deb again.
  3. Updated. In case of issues delete all old wwr tweaks before installing new one.
  4. The chams might be the issue here for some devices I'll uplaod a deb without chams.
  5. go ti /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/wrobots.plist makesure filter name is the same as your war robot bundle id .
  6. can u try installing my previous deb and see if menu pop up when game launches?
  7. @Abdullah20096 @thucnguyen2193 seems like ios13.3 and up are having issues try deleting all war robots tweaks in cydia then reinstalling cydia or re jailbreak device. Also if you are using any anti jailbreak bypass turn those off.
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