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Everything posted by kzacxd

  1. Can you share the code @Laxus ? If u dont mind, im trying to hex it by myself but didnt work
  2. So i put the wrong global-metadata, or the dump is failed, or the the dump has less of usefull stuff. Is that what its mean?
  3. Oh, yea its work thank you. But nothing change on my string its still full of bunch of unityengine and stuff, is it normal?
  4. so i really confused when i dump my binary with Il2CppDumper v6.4.12 the script that shows is script.json but in the ytb tutorial it show script.py (older version) And i try put the script.json to IDA on File>Script File it wont work. Please help me @Laxus @Rook Is there anyway to put the dump script.json into IDA instead script.py. Or i missed somthing.
  5. how's the guardians tales progress? @Laxus we are really looking forward to the update

    1. Yuppoto


      Hello, I changed the phone. Will it be transferred again? Thanks.

  6. any info of guradians tales bypass?

    1. nothink0



      Will you update the mod of Guardian Tales and Exos Heroes?

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