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Everything posted by msuroxy

  1. Name of the game you want hacked: Sid Meier's Civilization® VI Version of the game: 1.3.1 iTunes Link for the app: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/sid-meiers-civilization-vi/id1235863443?platform=iphone Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken: Jailbroken Requested Features: Need help getting Civilization 6 the iOS version to work the game is hackable by iOSGods iAP Cracker ,the base game unlocks and works perfectly, and the DLC do get unlocked but the game crashes when I press Update button.. Can anyone please help out? I would be very grateful if you try it on your idevice and if you manage to download the DLC, just copy the downloaded DLCs from the app using Filza, make a zip file and upload them.. the DLC folder is located in the user apps folder (need system file access for this) the mods from steam also work in this game, but most of them need the Gathering Storm and Frontier DLC to work..
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  2. the iosgod iAp cracker works on the purchase button.. but the app crashes when you try to download the DLC! for some people it seems to be working.. try iAP cracker and if you do manage to download the DLC, please copy the DLC folder and upload for everyone!
  3. yeah it was working.. but not since yesterday after the update!
  4. Hey @Rook , any ETA or progress on this bypass thing? Also, i saw that android mods of this game comes with "VIP 15 Unlock", was wondering if that could also be incorporated into the IOS hack? sometime some sweet deals are there in vip store! I'm really sorry if this has been asked before!! My apologies..
  5. yeah.. A-bypass never used to work in the first place!
  6. so far i have tried every bypass in the bypass list given by Rook in the Free cydia cheats forum.. none work! VnodeBypass used to work on this game to bypass jailbreak detection but it also used to disable the supercharge/hack so now that vnode repo is down.. i cant find a working copy to try again.. but like i said.. unless they made changes to vnode, it useless as well..!
  7. So you are uninstalling/reinstalling supercharge? cuz its detecting my supercharge even when i dont have the hack turned on!
  8. its detecting superuser app even if u have deleted the tweak inside.. i uninstalled superuser completely from cydia and it no longer gives me illegal error
  9. getting illegal program error!! was fine 2-3 hours ago with supercharge!! looks like they are tightening up the security a lot, the android mods are down as well.. Looks like this is the end for dominations Mod i think.. RIP! so glad i upgraded all my walls yesterday.. i knew this was gonna happen soon enough!! lol
  10. @Rook i bought it 2 days back, please extend the vip, i also pm'ed you!
  11. No @say_xtr, this is jailbreak cheat, its a .deb file.. You will have to install supercharge from cydia and follow the tutorial exactly how its shown in the tutorial video.. but also wait for couple hours.. the game just got updated from 9.950.951 to version 9.950.952.. so wait for @Rook to update the mod, then you can use the cheat..
  12. @Rook Please Update to 9.950.952, hack no longer working
  13. Name of the game you want hacked: DomiNations Asia Version of the game: 9.950.951 Google Play Store Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nexon.dominations.asia.g&hl=en&gl=US Rooted or Unrooted: Any Requested Features: FREE/UNLIMITED CROWNS! Unlimited Gold, Food, Oil, Trade Goods 0 Villagers needed for everything No timer for Upgrading Troops No timer for Upgrading/Researching in Library & University VIP 15 with VIP STORE access Please
  14. i couldnt get add crowns to work so far.. rest of the hacks working flawlessly.. Thankyou soo much @Rook love you for this also guys tell me your clan name, so i can join where nobody report me abusing the hack
  15. So, after i failed with the global app, i tried this hack, I am using Supercharge, the iGMM loads, i can even select the options but it has no effect, i have tested every single option, nothing works.. if i could only get unlimited food/gold/oil.. thats would be great please.. i dont want crowns or zero cost or anything.. Please help!
  16. @Rook i followed the instructions, but its not working for me
  17. Came here for this mod.. thankyou..
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