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  1. On iOS 18 the game is stuck at 11% loading when I open it. Do you know how to fix this? It worked just fine before the update. I signed it with Sideloadly, using a developer account.
  2. Please edit this post. I tried both iOSGods App+ and Sideloadly with a paid Apple Developer Account but neither of those worked.
  3. I downloaded the .ipa from the above link and once installed it doesn't sync with Game Center either. It still logs me in to the same new account that I had with the modded version. Is this a new thing? I thought that you could sync with Game Center using a Paid Apple Developer account. Is this like a temporary bug from Apple or it's the new norm? If it's the latter, I'm going to ask to Apple for a refund.
  4. I'm trying to sideload a modded version of a game that I'm playing. This is the thread about the modded game. I used iOSGods App web access and the "Sideloadly .IPA Download" option to download the file. Then I used Sideloadly to install the app on my device. Sideloadly detects my Paid Developer Account fine during the installation, but when I open the game, Game Center not sync and I'm starting with a brand new account. If I uninstall the app and download the game from the App Store, it gets in sync and I can play with my original account, but without the hack. Can someone help? Thank you.
  5. This is really annoying to hear. It was one of the main reasons I bought App+ in the first place. I know this is Apple fault and not yours but please, at least correct the post I linked above. People need to know that this is not a solution anymore before buying App+.
  6. I bought iOSGods App+ subscription a few days ago and I downloaded the app today. I'd like to use a modded version of a game that I'm playing ("Kingdom Clash"). Here is the topic about the modded app. In this other topic I read that App+ was one of the solutions to get your game synched with Game Center, since the limitations that causes this problem only affects free/normal Apple IDs. Still, I can't get the app to sync with Game Center. Any solution to this?
  7. When you have the time, it would be amazing if you can take a look and update the app to the version 2.1.1 that was just released. Thank you for your amazing work!
  8. I'm trying to install 1.9.1 version but it doesn't seems to work. I tried installing it using AltStore with the .ipa from the iOSGods App, but it always gives me an error: "Failed to verify code signature of /var/installd/Library/Caches/com.apple.mobile.installd.staging/temp.EQ64c4/extracted/App.app/Frameworks/LayoutKitInterface.framework : 0xe8008016 (The executable was signed with invalid entitlements.)" I tried installing it directly with the iOSGods App, but it doesn't work either. Can you help me? Thank you! EDIT: Fixed!
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