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Posts posted by S3ns4ti0n

  1. 42 minutes ago, X204 said:

    It has nothing to do with Jailbreak detection or the hack, that mean you got banned for cheating, Because of :

    • Using another hack with this .
    • Using outdated version of the hack without checking the game version and the hack version .

    To unban your device "Not Your Account" :

    • Install AppData tweak (google it) .
    • Swipe up Standoff icon :
    1. Clear Caches .
    2. Clear App Data .
    3. Delete Standoff and redownload it .
    4. Use new account and login .

    Edited (I will add more info to the topic).


    Thanks for your reply,I think I used outdated version of the hack to cause device banned. Tried option 1,2,4 together with app data still device ban 😭

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