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Everything posted by Cewong2

  1. @RHtonyflowCPAre you able to run this without it crashing and no JB? If so how? I’ve downloaded the IPA from here and it crashes everytime I log in.
  2. Hmm this worked once on my jailbroken 6s when I sideloaded it with Sideloadly, upon re-side loading to update cert it stopped working… so now it crashes everytime on load
  3. should probably tag @xX-Xeon-Xx who is the creator of the hack, otherwise I doubt they know that this support request exists. On my Jailbroken 6s+ (iOS 14 still) it works side loaded app version. But on my iPhone 13 with stock iOS 15 it crashes.
  4. @xX-Xeon-Xx I have this same issue. I've tried just "no-restart & max score" and if you miss, it misses, and breaks streak. Enabling, just easy/always is same as before, enabling both, same behavior as just "no-restart". Enable easy then no-restart, then disable no-restart, and it becomes normal game.
  5. Update please. could we ask for the option to enable the rewind if you miss one without having to pay gems? Getting to final stage and then missing kinda sucks. Maybe also unlimited plays regardless if loot box is filled. Would love to have free season pass too but that might be pushing it. Thanks
  6. Thank you. I’ll let you know if I see it again.
  7. I can understand that as a free member we are to have ads, and that's fine. I'm even willing to put up with every other tap/click being an ad popup or an overlay now , which is a bit excessive, literally every other tap is an ad pop up (Click search button first time, popup, close, tap second time, get to search bar, tap the search bar to type something, tap "get" for the game you want, popup, close, tap "get" again, tap the 3 dots, popup, close, tap 3 dots again, choose option, sometimes a popup here too, tap download for Sideloadly, popup, close, tap download for Sideloadly, so at least 4 popups for 1 app). However this is more about, if you guys have control over who your ad suppliers are, you need to get rid of one, I think it's "Hola", because it's just downloading executables to people's computers and that, IMHO is not cool. check my screenshot linked below, but it downloaded the executable a couple of times before I got the IPA, and some people may not know the difference. https://imgur.com/a/xqWUBgb
  8. I currently use Sideloadly. It never finds it thoug to use the first option. I forgot to mention that, and I can use it via wi-if with the Mac, but I can’t initiate from the phone with the first option “download & install via Sideloadly” I constantly get the invalid address pop up.
  9. As I don’t see a bug report mechanic I’ll post it here. I have found 2 issues while using the app. the first is when trying to “Dowload & Install visa Sideloadly”, I’m always met with an “invalid address” pop up, regardless if it’s wifi or cable connected to the pc. Sideloadly screenshot The second issue is when I download a download the IPA file for Sideloadly, after I get the “open in…” pop up, there’s no way to return to the previous screen (there’s no done button as you would normally see) the only way to get out of the screen is to force close and restart the app. This is also after you’ve chosen a conman (e.g. save to files) After file is downloaded screenshot device info: iOS 15.3.1 iPhone 13 Pro Max
  10. ok looks like it's not limited to 2FA, it's limited to some accounts. I just tried to help a friend use sideloadly, they have 2FA enabled, but got the same error. In their case, the only thing different from mine, is that their Apple ID account is for Japan, mine are for the US. The initial ID I tried to use without 2FA was also for Japan.
  11. ok I tried a 3rd account, that also doesn't have 2FA, it looks like it's the 2FA issue, and if you login and it asks you for your security questions when you log in. I guess may I submit it as a bug?
  12. it's a free account. I can log in normally... sometimes it asks me for my security questions because I don't have 2FA on it. I've also tried, authorizing the computer using iTunes, but that didn't seem to work either.
  13. I am trying to use sideloadly to install an app, but I keep getting: I was able to install with another Apple ID, and I know my password was correct (it gave me the incorrect password error with a wrong password), but I would like to figure out why I can't install with my initial AppleID. The only difference between the two Apple IDs is that I have 2FA enabled on the one that worked, and don't have 2FA on the ID that didn't work.
  14. If you download it to the phone you can open with AltStore if you have it set up on your phone, it will proceed to install and sign the app for you using altserver from your computer.
  15. I think both impactor and altstore have their uses. Impactor is no real set up necessary, and alt store there’s some prep work needed and sometimes the WiFi sync breaks but once you set it up it works well.
  16. This is both a help support question and a suggestion. When trying to download the ipa with the “Download .IPA for Impactor” option, the link on an IOS device constantly doesn’t really download, it brings you back to the game to download. I’m guessing because it was meant to be downloaded through a PC and not on the device, as it states on the link. But is there maybe a specific browser to try or a mode? I’ve tried safari, chrome and Firefox and mobile and desktop mode for each. Though granted I think under the hood they are all safari’s engine IIRC. Since we now have an alt server option for those who set it up, could iosgods implement an altserver link to be used? There is a limit of 7 apps that can be signed per week but this would be useful at least for the interim until iosgods could get a new cert. all the link needs is to be: “altstore://install?url=Http://Ipa-url-location.ipa”
  17. Ok so again, turn off god mode and no hunger/thirst. Die of hunger. Enable god mode equip everything BUT shoes. Turn off god mode equip shoes. You will still have the armor buff from god mode. You don’t need to keep it on.
  18. Did you put on shoes with god mode on? If so look above, you have to die, respawn then follow the directions to use god mode.
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