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  1. Hiya. My name is Michał and I come from and live in Poland. I'm a new iPhone 14 Pro user. Previously, I had an Android on which I also used hacked applications such as YouTube Revanced and others.
  2. @JLRC @Laxus @Rook I cannot install any application. I can't install Cerbute 5. Why? Is this app under jeailbrake? Look my video. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y6_OEGoegvKjO_3L6lzrVKCjEMUJv4BS/view?usp=drive_link
  3. How install? There is some instruction for the video? ;//
  4. I have a question. YouTube Premium no jailbrake. How install? How install no pc? There is some instruction for the video? Thank very much. I new user ios
  5. I see that a lot of people commented and liked it, so it must work and block all ads, right? Can someone show me if this actually works? Can I see the instructions in video form? Thanks !
  6. @Laxus @Rook I see that a lot of people commented and liked it, so it must work and block all ads, right?
  7. @Hodo No work! Please help me. The ads are still there
  8. @Laxus This topic: No working?
  9. Okay Did I understand correctly that it will not install Adguard Premium "cracked" for iPhone? It's probably some kind of security from Apple?
  10. Thank you for your answer. Because no one wants to help me. Is there any instructions from start to finish on what I need to do? I only need Adguard Premium to get rid of intrusive ads. That's all my friend
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