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  1. They are but you can wreck off the keys autowin with two or three offsets being nopped out. It makes the game use the keys THEN giving them back straight away. I kept on getting banned on this game even when am doing legit rumbles tbh am starting to get bored off it. Just happened a few days ago with 100% legit PvP/rumble up to 2100pts just so I could loot stuff. But tbh it is very quick to build an account, the shovel method still works so yeh you can cap your drops starting strength in days top. But gems and talents takes ages jeez. Some dudes are so far in their skills I cant see that without spending a LOAD or cheating actual keys and therefore levels and/or gems cause yikes, 200 levels to build a single lv4 talent and some dudes got 14s sets lmao. They all play the same anyways, the game is kinda dead to be fair at this point, especially since if you report someone randomly he can get banned as randomly lmfao this is what I got some times. I once could beat the top 1 and I could tell he was mad and kept on trying to push me out to no avail, got banned before the end of the rumble, kek. But if you want my list anyway to include those out in your menu I can, I have listed their names offsets type of value and a patch. The auto boss attacking could be useful that's just a bool. Only works in campaign tho not conquest. 0x8A00F8 bool arm64 to true and you get there.
  2. No emulators can replicate the original source code successfully, but you have to recode the game kind of, at least a little. Mostly networking. Habbo CoC and even WoW are able to be emulated yet no source code of those ever got used to build those.
  3. Actually just needy of the game as is cause my android is rooted and detected lmfao 🤣
  4. Bump. I just need jailbreak detection away~
  5. I agree, neat features there!
  6. Hello Laxus I got a quick question, would it be possible to contact you in DMs? In-site ideally but offsite if you prefer.

    Wont bother you with daily DMs no worries lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Laxus


      Hmm I haven't modded IR2 so I have no idea what are you talking about 🥲Maybe @Theo1357can help

    3. Theo1357


      Hmmm, I'll update if have time PepeHands

    4. ofelyaa


      This is not about immortal rising 2 but liapp

    5. Laxus


      @ofelyaaOh I have that issue too, couldn't resolve, always end up ban trigger

    6. ofelyaa


      Oh I thought you had sorted this out on immortal rising first of the name :(

  7. I have about 20 offsets and hex codes containing many stuff you do not have implemented yet. Had few spare time, did manage to auto win without using keys once. And it wasn’t just visually. Otherwise I could do nearly all stats. Infinite skill charges and found out about some skills still using mana when casted. You can do block/dodge/critchance all to 100% too and it works fine, kinda anything actually. There are even an automatic boss function. If you do hook you may even be able to mod resources or at least items (drop,perks,whatever) just with the use of get and hex I made myself drop items with specific stats like 500% coins or shards. Am working on forge and nodes themselves now 🤷‍♀️ Actually may even mod the shop just by wandering in the dump and trying stuffs too.
  8. Quan Quan that was then Dude tried to race so bad I thought he may have been cheating too; tried to counter me so many times by switching gears and managed to few times actually, he kept losing top 1 to me. Sad cause I didnt care about ranking or points or ego, at best I had the 50% recharge bonus that is cool and that is it.. Rather try to free shop the game for that matter. Or no key cost modding idk. Free shop would be very cool to actually get anything even tokens. But id be fine with no key cost and spamming till the drop level is capped. Took me so long to build my account due to KEYS. Crazy that even with mods it takes so long to climb to actual levels where you can build your set without dropping a better base level piece later As it is based on levels and not the dungeons accomplished. But there is a daily cap for dungeons anyways but idk if that would happen if you can autowin endlessly; daily cap being for when you grind xp and few gold without opening the chest cause no keys.
  9. Got banned for cheating after 90 days of use. I scored top 10 or so in rumble for first time while being legit, had everything off during rumbles, got striked anyways. I finally had reached the 620 dropping cap and maxed power gears so idk, last rumble I did cheat but I had another set and performed poorly as ranged aka admiral set. Still looted the chests and went fine to over 700-800 pts. 2400ish this time.
  10. Oh god I loved them crackme on PC when I was young gotta redo that on iOS definitely lol I am posting to keep track of the thread and sole existence of the crackme on iOS~ and to say thank you!
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