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Mike BB

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  1. I think they did something so that it will not show in any games now. I had to decrypt the game into an ipa. Then use sideloadly with inject deb enabled and iOS spoof checked and load the igamegod deb into the game and can install it or choose to make an ipa out of it then install that ipa with trollstore. And then IGameGod will show in the game I used DumpDecrypter. IGameGod decrypter never finishes. DumpDecrypter was easy. Nothing to set just choose the game on the list https://huayuarc.yourepo.com/ Has DumpDecrypter rootless.
  2. Just use IGameGod it takes 2 searches to find it. I’m sure you can do ammo and anything else too. Be better if their was a mod and not a save game. So don’t have to do it every time for each thing. This game don’t seem to have any protections from IGameGod. Pretty cool game. I havnt tried the other one yet. unlimited ammo would be good. Maybe health, bombs,. But just unlimited ammo would be cool and xp. I wish I knew how to make the mods but I don’t know chit. I can use IGameGod. Just the simple search value one.
  3. I’ve been using iOS 14.3 and unc0ver and have not wanted to upgrade to 15.3 which is the highest my iPad will install. This will do 15.3? Will localiapstore work? IGG works? AppStore++ or installing old versions of apps from apple store? That’s all I pretty much use. Free iap, IGameGod, installing older versions of apps, and appsmanager and filza. Will I be able to use filza to install ipa and deb? And no cydia correct? How do I remove deb without cydia? Lol. I can install them by clicking on them in filza but I have to use cydia to remove them..lol there’s no going back to iOS 14.3 once I upgrade to 15.3 right? And I’ve been afraid because unc0ver won’t work and that’s all I know how to use. Been no reason to other than some apps requiring iOS 15. And I will just end up with less free space left after iOS 15 is installed. 16gb is all I have and only get to use 5 or 6 of it with iOS14.3.
  4. I’m pretty sure you can still get around the forced update by editing info.plist and entering the newest version number and it will think that’s it’s the newest updated version when it’s not and can be any version but if you install a version that’s too old and doesn’t have the new clubs or courses then your exp gets all messed up and may even go down to level 8 if the new clubs are what gave you the exp to get to 9. Free iap used to work if you installed 2.47 I think with a new name and joining the club that your real profile is in and buy gold and get packs for the whole club but even that does not work anymore. I don’t think there is a way around it now and cannot get free iap. Even if you put no for jb_detection using appsmanager. Still will say no internet connection when you try to buy gold. No matter what version is installed. But if you want to use a version that the hack works on while you wait fir it to be updated by installing the version of the game the hack works on and then open appsmanager and click pga then click the top address and that takes you game folder in filza. Open game folder then find info.plist. Click that and scroll down to where game version is and change it to the newest game version. And click save. Now it will not force you to update to newest version because it thinks it already is. Works for a lot of games but not all. Works on a lot of apps but not all. It won’t fake out some. But it’s good to go back to a version that lets you but sh!t and buy it then update the game or app and will stay. Unless it’s a monthly subscription one. Those will usually be taken away when updating to newest version. Like deep fake app. It will make it so there are no ads each time but does not remove the 10 sec per video limit.
  5. Is it easy to use? I don’t have a Mac, only a pc. Will I be able to go back to 14.3 after I update it to 15.7.7. That’s the highest version it’s letting me update to. Can I update to 15.4? Dopamine looks like it’s easier to use. I wish unc0ver worked on 15.7.7. My touch screen is acting up and it’s running sluggish. Hoping newer iOS might fix it. I’ve tried doing a complete factory reset and it still won’t register every keyboard entry when I tap a letter and will stop tracking my finger without lifting my finger off. When I play pga golf and pull it back it just releases without me lifting my finger off. Also there are a lot of games and apps that require iOS 15 now. Other than that I’m happy with 14.3 and using unc0ver. It does it even if I use a mouse and not my finger. It will still release it with out me letting the mouse button go.
  6. I have an iPad Air 2 running 14.3. Should I let it update to 15.7.7? Will I be able to jailbreak 15.7.7 pretty easy or no? And is there a way to update to 15.4 so dopamine works? Or do I have to update to 15.7.7 if that’s what it says in the software update in the settings.
  7. Yes i read it. It Don’t say what it does. Lol and I know it has nothing to do with android and they are rooted and this is rootless. it says iGameGod rootless. What is rootless? And why is it needed? Is it something new? I’m not a hacker and can barely use IGameGod...lol just wondering what rootless is. And I’m having a problem installing it right now. Gives a bunch of errors in red and doesn’t finish. In cydia. The regular IGameGod won’t install in cydia. Hashtag mismatch errors. Two of them. I don’t know how to upload a screen shot of the error
  8. What is this needed for. Is it better than the regular iGameGod? Does it do something different? Lol I thought only androids needed to be rooted. Haha
  9. They made it so it no longer will give the packs to the club when using localiapstore.
  10. You can install what ever version and use appsmanager to change version to the newest version. Open appsmanager. Click pga, click the bottom address, that opens filza and goes to pga folder open that folder, and look for info.plist and open that and go down to where it says the version number and click that. Change to newest version number then click save. It shouldn’t make you update the game. At least that used to work. Also heard someone got the free iap working again but I don’t know how or if is for sure.
  11. Some apple arcade games won’t load when using IGameGod. Gets stuck on loading screen. If I disable IGameGod it will load. Oddworld won’t load with it enabled either. Is there a way around it?
  12. Name of the game you want hacked: Vendir: Plague of Lies Version of the game: 1.1.174 iTunes Link for the app: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=0CAQQw7AJahcKEwiom6e38df9AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAg&url=https%3A%2F%2Fapps.apple.com%2Fus%2Fapp%2Fvendir-plague-of-lies%2Fid1542939957&psig=AOvVaw2i4S6zPV2LBSN4tRG3Dp33&ust=1678761745164658 Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken: jailbroken Requested Features: anything, crashes for me using IGameGod
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  13. This game has been removed from the apple store hasn’t it? That’s weak.
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