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Community Answers

  1. Rook's post in I switched to a new cellular provider and now my iosgods app+ says it is not (yet) activated was marked as the answer   
    Please PM me with this issue and your UDID so I can check this for you.
  2. Rook's post in Problems with Display Names was marked as the answer   
    Please PM me regarding this issue so I can look into this.
  3. Rook's post in IOSGods App not installing was marked as the answer   
    Apologies for my late reply.
    Apple has revoked some of our iOSGods App+ members and we are currently working on getting the app and all the apps working again. Please keep an eye on the email address you used when purchasing the iOSGods App+ as we will send you an email when it is ready.
    For more information, please read our iOSGods App+ Frequently Asked Questions.
  4. Rook's post in Couldn’t reinstall iosgods app+ was marked as the answer   
    Please PM me with your UDID so I can check this issue for you.
     State what the issue is in your PM so I know what's happening!
  5. Rook's post in How to search and edit string values in game was marked as the answer   
    You cannot currently with iGameGod and the others you mentioned, however iGameGod will support it soon!
  6. Rook's post in Resign IPA more than 2GB on Sideloadly was marked as the answer   
    Yes! You need the 64-bit version of Sideloadly in order to do that right now.
  7. Rook's post in IosGodsapp+ crashes when try to install Asphalt 9 was marked as the answer   
    I believe you or someone else with the similar issue PMed me about this. We're looking into it! Just the revoke wave will delay it a bit.
  8. Rook's post in Put GIF Avatar Image on iOSGods? was marked as the answer   
    You are unfortunately not allowed to have .GIF profile pictures due to the rank you currently have. The others are able to because they are high ranked on iOSGods and have less restrictions.
  9. Rook's post in iOS Gods App+ won't let me install - I have entered wrong UDID was marked as the answer   
    I'll check your PM now and correct your mistake. Make sure you have sent the UDID in the PM too!
  10. Rook's post in Don’t know user name or password was marked as the answer   
    Please read our "Converting to a Local iOSGods Account" topic: https://iosgods.com/topic/56807-tip-converting-your-account-to-a-local-iosgods-account/
  11. Rook's post in Suddenly getting “Device not activated” error after previously working? was marked as the answer   
    Please pm me with your UDID so I can take a look at this for you.
  12. Rook's post in No Credit Card was marked as the answer   
    Thank you for contacting us.
    Unfortunately, we do not accept any other form of payment methods for ViP except from the ones that are available in the store during checkout. We may add other ways of purchasing ViP soon, so keep an eye out on the store!
    Kind regards,
  13. Rook's post in Cannot get pas log in screen in game was marked as the answer   
    This issue should now be fixed!
  14. Rook's post in Monster Super League Mod crashing @ battle start was marked as the answer   
    Please try the new update and report back!
  15. Rook's post in iOSGods App+ is unable to install was marked as the answer   
    Both sounds like a revoke!
    Please wait for a revoke fix email.
  16. Rook's post in App+ been revoked for non-jailbroken iPhone XS was marked as the answer   
    Apologies for my late reply.
    Apple has revoked some of our iOSGods App+ members and we are currently working on getting the app and all the apps working again. Please keep an eye on the email address you used when purchasing the iOSGods App+ as we will send you an email when it is ready.
    For more information, please read our iOSGods App+ Frequently Asked Questions.
  17. Rook's post in Subscription not yet activated? was marked as the answer   
    Please send me a message with your UDID.
    Also, if you haven't already, try installing the App+ by visiting the installation URL.

    Please read our "iOSGods App+ Frequently Asked Questions & Answers" topic here: https://iosgods.com/topic/100620-iosgods-app-frequently-asked-questions-answers/
  18. Rook's post in IOSGods app+ certain games don’t open was marked as the answer   
    This seems like an issue with the IPA files itself and the author will have to update.
  19. Rook's post in update for sideloadly was marked as the answer   
    Please download the latest version from the official topic.

    Sideloadly official download and Frequently Asked Questions topic here: https://iosgods.com/topic/130167-introducing-sideloadly-working-cydia-impactor-alternative/
  20. Rook's post in How game stores my guest account and how they detect it? was marked as the answer   
    It’s likely via Game Center or iCloud.
  21. Rook's post in How do I check app+ subscription was marked as the answer   
    No automatic renewals are performed on App+, you will have to purchase again when expired.
    But what you're explaining sounds like a revoke, so keep an eye on your email for a revoke fix.
  22. Rook's post in iOS gods app+ crashes when installing asphalt 9 was marked as the answer   
    We can look into this for you! You can PM me with the recording and also crash logs if you have.
    To obtain crash logs, head over to Settings -> Privacy -> Analytics & Improvements -> Analytics Data. Once  there, you need to find the crash log pertaining to the app in question which will usually go by the format AppName-Date-Time.ips. Save the file and upload it via DropBox or copy and paste its content.
  23. Rook's post in Only some features of a Mod menu hack are working. was marked as the answer   
    In this case, a new update by the author may be required. Post your feedback on the topic.
  24. Rook's post in IOSGods App+ Not Installing? was marked as the answer   
    Please make sure your subscription has not expired.
    Also, if you changed devices, you will need to transfer your UDID.

    Please read our "iOSGods App+ Frequently Asked Questions & Answers" topic here: https://iosgods.com/topic/100620-iosgods-app-frequently-asked-questions-answers/
  25. Rook's post in Help with ipa game (Dokdo) was marked as the answer   
    Your best bet seems to be to use an Android emulator on your PC.
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