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About This Club

A Club dedicated to Golf Clash players!
  1. What's new in this club
  2. I have a ball or club hack. If you want to buy clubs or paid balls, message me on t3legram. My username is my username on here... clarkpep... or clarkpep@protonmail(dot)com I will prove I am legit before you pay so you know I am not scamming. I will not share my code. All I need is your user profile ID, and which clan you are in. I charge 18 cents per paid ball. You can start out with just one if you are worried. Clubs cost me money to upgrade, so they are quite expensive, but doable. I won't be active on here much, but email me if I don't reply quickly.
  3. I have a ball or club hack. If you want to buy clubs or paid balls, message me on t3legram. My username is my username on here... clarkpep... or clarkpep@protonmail(dot)com I will prove I am legit before you pay so you know I am not scamming. I will not share my code. All I need is your user profile ID, and which clan you are and I can add any paid ball or upgrade your clubs.
  4. Hi, Is still this hack supported?
  5. its outdated. i think golf clash has beaten @Rook on this one
  6. it doesn't work! please help me
  7. Golfclash v.2.38.0 (14/07/20) Can you cheat now? Is it still working well?
  8. Cannot side load it anymore with impactor
  9. Oh? Well I guess for the time being don’t use it on ur main
  10. I dont think you understand.. when using just the perfect shot the opponent still can see the real meter so if you let it go when the actual meter isnt perfect they will notice you are cheating. The hack used to correct it for the opponent to show perfect for them too so it isn't suspicious.
  11. There’s nothing wrong with it lol, cheat description says not to use both options at the same time.
  12. Yeah I guess playdemic won seeing as we can’t get a solid response. It is what it is but it’s such a scummy/fraudulent thing to do not letting us know before getting the hack.
  13. Yeap, the hack is easily detected. You'll be booted out from the game after a notification saying detected suspicious something and stuff hope this will be fixed
  14. It doesn't correct the shot to perfect from our opponents viewpoint and we cant tell where the real shot meter is so we have to guess the timing. It's easy to get reported because if we hit a slice or good instead of perfect its easy for opponent to see its correcting it to perfect. @DADi
  15. It is very detectable. I used it Only three times in over 100 games and my account got flagged it’s not worth even using. It needs to be updated so it’s not detectable If you watch a reply of the shot it will be a max hook or slice but it goes straight. Gets flagged instantly
  16. What happens exactly? How is it detectable?
  17. @DADi can u comment on this? Just let us know if it's something that'll ever be worked on?
  18. Wasted 35$ because theres nothing to make us aware that it is detectable..
  19. https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/notebook-for-golf-clash/id1448143628 Has anyone tried this paid app? Is it worth buying? Does the overlay really help much? Seems a bit pricey for a companion app so just wondering if anyone has any feedback regarding justification of the cost. Thanks
  20. Tried using the app+ version but cheat detection popped up soo. No good right now maybe again one day
  21. I would love if somebody could let me know on the status of this hack. Want to buy Vip for it but don't want to waste $35 on something that doesn't work anymore
  22. Any news on a new update for these hacks. I want to purchase the VIP but won’t if I can’t get this hack to work the way it should. I’ve seen others say it no longer works and you basically get banned after

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