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About This Club

Feel the new generation of mobile game with the world of NARUTO and BORUTO! Infiltrate forts created by other players worldwide, and defend yours! (This Game is currently only in japan)
  1. What's new in this club
  2. What is your guys favorite character in Naruto x Boruto?
  3. This is quite late but choicy works for me with Xina jailbreak.
  4. same here, just bought non jb vip after long time ago, and install summoners war non jb mod, just pop up that message -.-, i think now they can read app extension, is there any solution ?
  5. Last NXB update bypasses Liberty Lite and similiar tweaks. And it detects jailbreak. Shadow's Lockdown mode really seems the only way to make the game work, but with no mods. In fact Lockdown mode disables every tweak. So... I did not found a solution to play this game with the mod menu. Does anybody know if there's a way to make the game work with a mod?
  6. Whats clan name ?
  7. Join my clan, we are uprising active clan, with a discord server as well.
  8. - im already use Liberty, Still Crash app after start Game NXB, after update 1.1.3, i already uninstall tweak hack NxB still crash yesterday before update 1.1.2 still work. - i think liberty not working for update game NxB 1.1.3 "Jailbreak detection" - and Force Closed The application was closed because a security policy violation was detected .(6) naruto x boruto ios 10.2.1 Jailbreak DoubleH3lix @Joka @DiDA
  9. 42-beta4 is not compatible with ios 9.3.3. Thankfully however, the developer of the tweak Liberty has updated the program to include BorutoxNaruto, so for anyone else who is stuck on 9.3.3, there is hope ?
  10. That would explain it. 42 doesnt work with ios 9.3.3 unfortunately
  11. Remove both and install xCon from Xayold. The version I have is 42~beta4
  12. I have borh xcon and ts protector installed, and I am still getting this error. Is there any other advice you guys may have ?
  13. maybe their are still traces of the jailbreak on your devices
  14. I don’t have a JailBroken phone anymore but I also got the error.
  15. I think the game detects whether you're Jailbroken or not.
  16. This topic was moved from Announcement to Help & Support. It's likely detecting the Cheat Engines or IAP Crackers.
  17. I keep getting an error that says "The Application was closed because a security policy violation was detected" anyone know what's going on? Plz I really want to enjoy this game.

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