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Price Drop: Paris - Saint Germain, quartier en révolution au cœur de la Révolution - AudioGuide (Education)

iOSGods Bot

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Paris - Saint Germain, quartier en révolution au cœur de la Révolution - AudioGuide 1.1

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Education

Price: $2.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1 (iTunes)



Plongez-vous dans l’atmosphère effervescente, bouillonnante, parfois sanglante de notre histoire révolutionnaire. Parcourez les lieux où se sont écrites les pages mythiques de cette période riche en évènements, méditez devant le célèbre Café Procope dans le Passage Saint-André, repères des Philosophes puis des Révolutionnaires, tremblez à la « légère fraîcheur » de la guillotine conçue et expérimentée juste à côté, découvrez les pages des journaux révolutionnaires dans l’imprimerie proche où Marat éditera son journal « l’Ami du Peuple », brûlot qui fera flamber la « rue ». Suivez les traces de la Girondine Charlotte Corday se dirigeant vers la demeure de Marat qu’elle vient assassiner.

Saisissez le caractère de Danton, Robespierre et Marat, pénétrez dans le Club des « Cordeliers » et plongez-vous, au fil de notre promenade, dans le bain de la Terreur révolutionnaire, des affrontements sanglants entre Montagnards et Girondins, de la suppression des couvents et abbayes transformés en clubs politiques, Cordeliers, Jacobins. Montez jusqu’au Panthéon, devenu « temple de la Révolution », « Saint-Denis de la République » laïque : il se dresse sur la colline Saint-Geneviève et domine le « Luxembourg », devenu Maison Nationale de Sûreté (aujourd’hui siège du Sénat), bordé du « nouveau » Théâtre français devenu Théâtre Egalité, (aujourd’hui l’ «Odéon»). Découvrez cette grande figure féministe d’une Révolution orchestrée par des hommes, Olympe de Gouges, sa demeure jouxte le Temple de l’Être Suprême ci-devant Eglise Saint-Sulpice. Continuez sur le lieu le plus sanglant de la Révolution, la prison de l’Abbaye de Saint-Germain, épicentre des « massacres de Septembre » 1792. Achevez votre parcours sur les ruines de ses bâtiments conventuels qui ne résisteront pas, en 1794, à l’explosion de quinze tonnes de poudre entassées dans le réfectoire.

L’Ancien Régime n’était plus!


Gilles Popineau d'Arthon est diplômé de l'Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris et d'Etudes supérieures de Doctorat en Sciences Economiques. Professeur de Sciences Politiques, il enseigne depuis de nombreuses années les Relations Internationales, l'Histoire Politique et Constitutionnelle et l'Histoire des Institutions Européennes dans les universités américaines notamment New York University, Tufts University et Carnegie Mellon University.
Passionné de voyages, d'histoire et d'architecture, il parcourt inlassablement le monde, à la rencontre de nouvelles cultures, soit dans le cadre universitaire, soit en dehors.
Avec son héritage millénaire, Paris, son port d'attache, ne pouvait pas ne pas interpeller sa sensibilité en le poussant à prendre à bras-le-corps cette ville à l'histoire bouillonnante et fascinante.

Les guides Blue Lion:

- textes originaux écrits par des experts

- des vraies lectures audio par des acteurs ou des conteurs

- riches en images (photos et gravures)

- plans de quartier avec l'itinéraire des parcours

- des références wikipedia pour approfondir des sujets particuliers

- pas de frais d'itinérance (roaming): tout le contenu est téléchargé avec l'application

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Bienvenue chez Blue Lion. Merci pour avoir téléchargé notre applis. Nous avons adapté cette application pour iOS8 et les nouveaux écrans de l'iPhone.

Paris - Saint Germain, quartier en révolution au cœur de la Révolution - AudioGuide




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  • Our picks

    • (Kinnikuman Extreme Japan)キン肉マン 極・タッグ乱舞 v1.1.11 +2 Cheats
      Modded/Hacked App: キン肉マン 極・タッグ乱舞 By COPRO Co., Ltd.
      Bundle ID: jp.kcopro.kin001
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/%E3%82%AD%E3%83%B3%E8%82%89%E3%83%9E%E3%83%B3-%E6%A5%B5-%E3%82%BF%E3%83%83%E3%82%B0%E4%B9%B1%E8%88%9E/id1623345808?uo=4

      Mod Requirements:
      - Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.
      - iGameGod / Filza / iMazing or any other file managers for iOS.
      - Cydia Substrate, ElleKit, Substitute or libhooker depending on your jailbreak.
      - PreferenceLoader (from Cydia, Sileo or Zebra).

      Hack Features:
      - Damage Multiplier
      - Defense Multiplier

      Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/79-no-jailbreak-section/
      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/

      iOS Hack Download Link:

      Hidden Content

      Download Hack

      Installation Instructions:
      STEP 1: Download the .deb Cydia hack file from the link above. Use Safari/Google Chrome or other iOS browsers to download.
      STEP 2: Once the file has downloaded, tap on it and then you will be prompted on whether you want to open the deb with iGameGod or copy it to Filza.
      STEP 3: If necessary, tap on the downloaded file, and then, you will need to press 'Install' from the options on your screen.
      STEP 4: Let iGameGod/Filza finish the cheat installation. Make sure it successfully installs, otherwise see the note below.
      STEP 5: If the hack is a Mod Menu — which is usually the case nowadays — the cheat features can be toggled in-game. Some cheats have options that can be enabled from your iDevice settings.
      STEP 6: Turn on the features you want and play the game. You may need to follow further instructions inside the hack's popup in-game.


      NOTE: If you have any questions or problems, read our Troubleshooting topic & Frequently Asked Questions & Answers topic. If you still haven't found a solution, post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, please post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues.

      - AlyssaX64

      Cheat Video/Screenshots:

        • Thanks
        • Like
      • 16 replies
    • (Kinnikuman Extreme Japan) キン肉マン 極・タッグ乱舞 v1.1.11 +2 Jailed Cheats
      Modded/Hacked App: キン肉マン 極・タッグ乱舞 By COPRO Co., Ltd.
      Bundle ID: jp.kcopro.kin001
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/%E3%82%AD%E3%83%B3%E8%82%89%E3%83%9E%E3%83%B3-%E6%A5%B5-%E3%82%BF%E3%83%83%E3%82%B0%E4%B9%B1%E8%88%9E/id1623345808?uo=4

      Mod Requirements:
      - Non-Jailbroken/Jailed or Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.
      - Sideloadly / Cydia Impactor or alternatives.
      - A Computer Running Windows/macOS/Linux with iTunes installed.

      Hack Features:
      - Damage Multiplier
      - Defense Multiplier

      Jailbreak required hack(s): 

      iOS Hack Download IPA Link:

      Hidden Content

      Download via the iOSGods App

      PC Installation Instructions:
      STEP 1: If necessary, uninstall the app if you have it installed on your iDevice. Some hacked IPAs will install as a duplicate app. Make sure to back it up so you don't lose your progress.
      STEP 2: Download the pre-hacked .IPA file from the link above to your computer. To download from the iOSGods App, see this tutorial topic.
      STEP 3: Download Sideloadly and install it on your PC.
      STEP 4: Open/Run Sideloadly on your computer, connect your iOS Device, and wait until your device name shows up.
      STEP 5: Once your iDevice appears, drag the modded .IPA file you downloaded and drop it inside the Sideloadly application.
      STEP 6: You will now have to enter your iTunes/Apple ID email login, press "Start" & then you will be asked to enter your password. Go ahead and enter the required information.
      STEP 7: Wait for Sideloadly to finish sideloading/installing the hacked IPA. If there are issues during installation, please read the note below.
      STEP 8: Once the installation is complete and you see the app on your Home Screen, you will need to go to Settings -> General -> Profiles/VPN & Device Management. Once there, tap on the email you entered from step 6, and then tap on 'Trust [email protected]'.
      STEP 9: Now go to your Home Screen and open the newly installed app and everything should work fine. You may need to follow further per app instructions inside the hack's popup in-game.

      NOTE: iOS/iPadOS 16 and later, you must enable Developer Mode. For free Apple Developer accounts, you will need to repeat this process every 7 days. Jailbroken iDevices can also use Sideloadly/Filza/IPA Installer to normally install the IPA with AppSync. If you have any questions or problems, read our Sideloadly FAQ section of the topic and if you don't find a solution, please post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues.

      - AlyssaX64

      Cheat Video/Screenshots:

        • Haha
        • Winner
        • Like
      • 15 replies
    • Heaven Burns Red v1.1.9 +2 Jailed Cheats
      Modded/Hacked App: Heaven Burns Red By YOSTAR (HONG KONG) LIMITED
      Bundle ID: com.YoStarEN.HBR
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/heaven-burns-red/id6630372362?uo=4

      Mod Requirements:
      - Non-Jailbroken/Jailed or Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.
      - Sideloadly / Cydia Impactor or alternatives.
      - A Computer Running Windows/macOS/Linux with iTunes installed.

      Hack Features:
      - Damage Multiplier
      - Defense Multiplier

      Jailbreak required hack(s): 

      iOS Hack Download IPA Link:

      Hidden Content

      Download via the iOSGods App

      PC Installation Instructions:
      STEP 1: If necessary, uninstall the app if you have it installed on your iDevice. Some hacked IPAs will install as a duplicate app. Make sure to back it up so you don't lose your progress.
      STEP 2: Download the pre-hacked .IPA file from the link above to your computer. To download from the iOSGods App, see this tutorial topic.
      STEP 3: Download Sideloadly and install it on your PC.
      STEP 4: Open/Run Sideloadly on your computer, connect your iOS Device, and wait until your device name shows up.
      STEP 5: Once your iDevice appears, drag the modded .IPA file you downloaded and drop it inside the Sideloadly application.
      STEP 6: You will now have to enter your iTunes/Apple ID email login, press "Start" & then you will be asked to enter your password. Go ahead and enter the required information.
      STEP 7: Wait for Sideloadly to finish sideloading/installing the hacked IPA. If there are issues during installation, please read the note below.
      STEP 8: Once the installation is complete and you see the app on your Home Screen, you will need to go to Settings -> General -> Profiles/VPN & Device Management. Once there, tap on the email you entered from step 6, and then tap on 'Trust [email protected]'.
      STEP 9: Now go to your Home Screen and open the newly installed app and everything should work fine. You may need to follow further per app instructions inside the hack's popup in-game.

      NOTE: iOS/iPadOS 16 and later, you must enable Developer Mode. For free Apple Developer accounts, you will need to repeat this process every 7 days. Jailbroken iDevices can also use Sideloadly/Filza/IPA Installer to normally install the IPA with AppSync. If you have any questions or problems, read our Sideloadly FAQ section of the topic and if you don't find a solution, please post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues.

      - AlyssaX64

      Cheat Video/Screenshots:

        • Like
      • 12 replies
    • Heaven Burns Red v1.1.9 +2 Cheats
      Modded/Hacked App: Heaven Burns Red By YOSTAR (HONG KONG) LIMITED
      Bundle ID: com.YoStarEN.HBR
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/heaven-burns-red/id6630372362?uo=4

      Mod Requirements:
      - Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.
      - iGameGod / Filza / iMazing or any other file managers for iOS.
      - Cydia Substrate, ElleKit, Substitute or libhooker depending on your jailbreak.
      - PreferenceLoader (from Cydia, Sileo or Zebra).

      Hack Features:
      - Damage Multiplier
      - Defense Multiplier

      Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): 

      iOS Hack Download Link:

      Hidden Content

      Download Hack

      Installation Instructions:
      STEP 1: Download the .deb Cydia hack file from the link above. Use Safari/Google Chrome or other iOS browsers to download.
      STEP 2: Once the file has downloaded, tap on it and then you will be prompted on whether you want to open the deb with iGameGod or copy it to Filza.
      STEP 3: If necessary, tap on the downloaded file, and then, you will need to press 'Install' from the options on your screen.
      STEP 4: Let iGameGod/Filza finish the cheat installation. Make sure it successfully installs, otherwise see the note below.
      STEP 5: If the hack is a Mod Menu — which is usually the case nowadays — the cheat features can be toggled in-game. Some cheats have options that can be enabled from your iDevice settings.
      STEP 6: Turn on the features you want and play the game. You may need to follow further instructions inside the hack's popup in-game.


      NOTE: If you have any questions or problems, read our Troubleshooting topic & Frequently Asked Questions & Answers topic. If you still haven't found a solution, post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, please post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues.

      - AlyssaX64

      Cheat Video/Screenshots:

        • Informative
        • Thanks
        • Like
      • 4 replies
    • Heavenly Demon IDLE RPG v1.056 +2 Jailed Cheats
      Modded/Hacked App: Heavenly Demon IDLE RPG By StandEgg Co., Ltd
      Bundle ID: com.standegg.glcheonma
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/heavenly-demon-idle-rpg/id6504672068?uo=4

      Mod Requirements:
      - Non-Jailbroken/Jailed or Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.
      - Sideloadly / Cydia Impactor or alternatives.
      - A Computer Running Windows/macOS/Linux with iTunes installed.

      Hack Features:
      - Never Die
      - Reward Multiplier

      Jailbreak required hack(s): 

      iOS Hack Download IPA Link:

      Hidden Content

      Download via the iOSGods App

      PC Installation Instructions:
      STEP 1: If necessary, uninstall the app if you have it installed on your iDevice. Some hacked IPAs will install as a duplicate app. Make sure to back it up so you don't lose your progress.
      STEP 2: Download the pre-hacked .IPA file from the link above to your computer. To download from the iOSGods App, see this tutorial topic.
      STEP 3: Download Sideloadly and install it on your PC.
      STEP 4: Open/Run Sideloadly on your computer, connect your iOS Device, and wait until your device name shows up.
      STEP 5: Once your iDevice appears, drag the modded .IPA file you downloaded and drop it inside the Sideloadly application.
      STEP 6: You will now have to enter your iTunes/Apple ID email login, press "Start" & then you will be asked to enter your password. Go ahead and enter the required information.
      STEP 7: Wait for Sideloadly to finish sideloading/installing the hacked IPA. If there are issues during installation, please read the note below.
      STEP 8: Once the installation is complete and you see the app on your Home Screen, you will need to go to Settings -> General -> Profiles/VPN & Device Management. Once there, tap on the email you entered from step 6, and then tap on 'Trust [email protected]'.
      STEP 9: Now go to your Home Screen and open the newly installed app and everything should work fine. You may need to follow further per app instructions inside the hack's popup in-game.

      NOTE: iOS/iPadOS 16 and later, you must enable Developer Mode. For free Apple Developer accounts, you will need to repeat this process every 7 days. Jailbroken iDevices can also use Sideloadly/Filza/IPA Installer to normally install the IPA with AppSync. If you have any questions or problems, read our Sideloadly FAQ section of the topic and if you don't find a solution, please post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues.

      - AlyssaX64

      Cheat Video/Screenshots:

        • Informative
        • Agree
        • Haha
        • Thanks
        • Winner
        • Like
      • 90 replies
    • Heavenly Demon IDLE RPG v1.056 +2 Cheats
      Modded/Hacked App: Heavenly Demon IDLE RPG By StandEgg Co., Ltd
      Bundle ID: com.standegg.glcheonma
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/heavenly-demon-idle-rpg/id6504672068?uo=4

      Mod Requirements:
      - Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.
      - iGameGod / Filza / iMazing or any other file managers for iOS.
      - Cydia Substrate, ElleKit, Substitute or libhooker depending on your jailbreak.
      - PreferenceLoader (from Cydia, Sileo or Zebra).

      Hack Features:
      - Never Die
      - Reward Multiplier

      Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/79-no-jailbreak-section/
      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/

      iOS Hack Download Link:

      Hidden Content

      Download Hack

      Installation Instructions:
      STEP 1: Download the .deb Cydia hack file from the link above. Use Safari/Google Chrome or other iOS browsers to download.
      STEP 2: Once the file has downloaded, tap on it and then you will be prompted on whether you want to open the deb with iGameGod or copy it to Filza.
      STEP 3: If necessary, tap on the downloaded file, and then, you will need to press 'Install' from the options on your screen.
      STEP 4: Let iGameGod/Filza finish the cheat installation. Make sure it successfully installs, otherwise see the note below.
      STEP 5: If the hack is a Mod Menu — which is usually the case nowadays — the cheat features can be toggled in-game. Some cheats have options that can be enabled from your iDevice settings.
      STEP 6: Turn on the features you want and play the game. You may need to follow further instructions inside the hack's popup in-game.


      NOTE: If you have any questions or problems, read our Troubleshooting topic & Frequently Asked Questions & Answers topic. If you still haven't found a solution, post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, please post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues.

      - AlyssaX64

      Cheat Video/Screenshots:

        • Agree
        • Haha
        • Thanks
        • Winner
        • Like
      • 113 replies
    • Merge Magic! v7.5.0 +2 Cheats
      Modded/Hacked App: Merge Magic! By Gram Games
      Bundle ID: com.gramgames.mergemagic
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/merge-magic/id1462419002

      Mod Requirements:
      - Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.
      - Filza / iMazing or any other file managers for iOS.
      - Cydia Substrate, Substitute or libhooker depending on your jailbreak.
      - PreferenceLoader (from Cydia or Sileo).

      Hack Features:
      - unlimited currencies

      Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/79-no-jailbreak-section/
      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/

      iOS Hack Download Link:

      Hidden Content
      Download Hack

      Installation Instructions:
      STEP 1: Download the .deb Cydia hack file from the link above.
      STEP 2: Copy the file over to your iDevice using any of the file managers mentioned above or skip this step if you're downloading from your iDevice.
      STEP 3: Using Filza or iFile, browse to where you saved the downloaded .deb file and tap on it.
      STEP 4: Once you tap on the file, you will need to press on 'Install' or 'Installer' from the options on your screen.
      STEP 5: Let Filza / iFile finish the cheat installation. Make sure it successfully installs, otherwise see the note below.
      STEP 6: If the hack is a Mod Menu, which is usually the case nowadays, the cheat features can be toggled in-game. Some cheats have options that can be enabled from your iDevice settings.
      STEP 7: Turn on the features you want and play the game. You may need to follow further instructions inside the hack's popup in-game.


      NOTE: If you have any questions or problems, read our Troubleshooting topic & Frequently Asked Questions & Answers topic. If you still haven't found a solution, post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues.

      - AlyssaX64

      Cheat Video/Screenshots:

        • Informative
        • Agree
        • Haha
        • Thanks
        • Winner
        • Like
      • 82 replies
    • Merge Magic! v7.5.0 +2 Jailed Cheats
      Modded/Hacked App: Merge Magic! By Gram Games
      Bundle ID: com.gramgames.mergemagic
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/merge-magic/id1462419002?uo=4&at=1010lce4

      Mod Requirements:
      - Non-Jailbroken/Jailed or Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.
      - Cydia Impactor.
      - A Computer Running Windows/Mac/Linux.

      Hack Features:
      - Add Gems - Tap on Sound Button in Settings
      - Add Coins - Tap on Music Button in Settings
      - Add Woods - Tap on Tutorial Button in Settings

      This hack works on the latest x64 or ARM64 iDevices: iPhone 5s, 6, 6 Plus, 6s, 6s Plus, 7, 7 Plus, 8, 8 Plus, X, Xr, Xs, Xs Max, SE, iPod Touch 6G, iPad Air, Air 2, Pro & iPad Mini 2, 3, 4 and later.
        • Informative
        • Winner
        • Like
      • 53 replies
    • (Ninja Must Die China) 忍者必须死3 v2.0.64 +2 Jailed Cheats
      Modded/Hacked App: 忍者必须死3 By Hangzhou Yanhun Network Technology Co., Ltd.
      Bundle ID: com.pandadastudio.ninjamustdie3
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/cn/app/%E5%BF%8D%E8%80%85%E5%BF%85%E9%A1%BB%E6%AD%BB3/id1020071295?uo=4

      Mod Requirements:
      - Non-Jailbroken/Jailed or Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.
      - Sideloadly / Cydia Impactor or alternatives.
      - A Computer Running Windows/macOS/Linux with iTunes installed.

      Hack Features:
      - Never Die
      - Unlimited Jump

      Jailbreak required hack(s): 

      iOS Hack Download IPA Link:

      Hidden Content

      Download via the iOSGods App

      PC Installation Instructions:
      STEP 1: If necessary, uninstall the app if you have it installed on your iDevice. Some hacked IPAs will install as a duplicate app. Make sure to back it up so you don't lose your progress.
      STEP 2: Download the pre-hacked .IPA file from the link above to your computer. To download from the iOSGods App, see this tutorial topic.
      STEP 3: Download Sideloadly and install it on your PC.
      STEP 4: Open/Run Sideloadly on your computer, connect your iOS Device, and wait until your device name shows up.
      STEP 5: Once your iDevice appears, drag the modded .IPA file you downloaded and drop it inside the Sideloadly application.
      STEP 6: You will now have to enter your iTunes/Apple ID email login, press "Start" & then you will be asked to enter your password. Go ahead and enter the required information.
      STEP 7: Wait for Sideloadly to finish sideloading/installing the hacked IPA. If there are issues during installation, please read the note below.
      STEP 8: Once the installation is complete and you see the app on your Home Screen, you will need to go to Settings -> General -> Profiles/VPN & Device Management. Once there, tap on the email you entered from step 6, and then tap on 'Trust [email protected]'.
      STEP 9: Now go to your Home Screen and open the newly installed app and everything should work fine. You may need to follow further per app instructions inside the hack's popup in-game.

      NOTE: iOS/iPadOS 16 and later, you must enable Developer Mode. For free Apple Developer accounts, you will need to repeat this process every 7 days. Jailbroken iDevices can also use Sideloadly/Filza/IPA Installer to normally install the IPA with AppSync. If you have any questions or problems, read our Sideloadly FAQ section of the topic and if you don't find a solution, please post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues.

      - AlyssaX64

      Cheat Video/Screenshots:

        • Thanks
        • Like
      • 12 replies
    • (Sausage Man China) 香肠派对-猪猪侠联动 v19.17 +9 Jailed Cheats
      Modded/Hacked App: 香肠派对-猪猪侠联动 By X.D. Network Inc.
      Bundle ID: com.xd.Sausage
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/cn/app/%E9%A6%99%E8%82%A0%E6%B4%BE%E5%AF%B9-%E7%8C%AA%E7%8C%AA%E4%BE%A0%E8%81%94%E5%8A%A8/id1326730621?uo=4

      Mod Requirements:
      - Non-Jailbroken/Jailed or Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.
      - Sideloadly / Cydia Impactor or alternatives.
      - A Computer Running Windows/macOS/Linux with iTunes installed.

      Hack Features:
      - Walk On Water
      - Custom FOV
      - Custom Speed
      - No Recoil
      - No Shake
      - No Muzzle Flash
      - Superman
      - No Fire Sound
      - No Reload Sound
      - No Bow Sound

      - FOV set it to around 100.
      - Speed, set it around 10 and see if the server registers your speed.

      Jailbreak required hcom'.
      STEP 9: Now go to your Home Screen and open the newly installed app and everything should work fine. You may need to follow further per app instructions inside the hack's popup in-game.

      NOTE: iOS/iPadOS 16 and later, you must enable Developer Mode. For free Apple Developer accounts, you will need to repeat this process every 7 days. Jailbroken iDevices can also use Sideloadly/Filza/IPA Installer to normally install the IPA with AppSync. If you have any questions or problems, read our Sideloadly FAQ section of the topic and if you don't find a solution, please post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues.

      - Zahir

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    • (Ninja Must Die China) 忍者必须死3 v2.0.64 +2 Cheats
      Modded/Hacked App: 忍者必须死3 By Hangzhou Yanhun Network Technology Co., Ltd.
      Bundle ID: com.pandadastudio.ninjamustdie3
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/cn/app/%E5%BF%8D%E8%80%85%E5%BF%85%E9%A1%BB%E6%AD%BB3/id1020071295?uo=4

      Mod Requirements:
      - Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.
      - iGameGod / Filza / iMazing or any other file managers for iOS.
      - Cydia Substrate, ElleKit, Substitute or libhooker depending on your jailbreak.
      - PreferenceLoader (from Cydia, Sileo or Zebra).

      Hack Features:
      - Never Die
      - Unlimited Jumps

      Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/79-no-jailbreak-section/
      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/

      iOS Hack Download Link:

      Hidden Content
      Download Hack

      Installation Instructions:
      STEP 1: Download the .deb Cydia hack file from the link above. Use Safari/Google Chrome or other iOS browsers to download.
      STEP 2: Once the file has downloaded, tap on it and then you will be prompted on whether you want to open the deb with iGameGod or copy it to Filza.
      STEP 3: If necessary, tap on the downloaded file, and then, you will need to press 'Install' from the options on your screen.
      STEP 4: Let iGameGod/Filza finish the cheat installation. Make sure it successfully installs, otherwise see the note below.
      STEP 5: If the hack is a Mod Menu — which is usually the case nowadays — the cheat features can be toggled in-game. Some cheats have options that can be enabled from your iDevice settings.
      STEP 6: Turn on the features you want and play the game. You may need to follow further instructions inside the hack's popup in-game.


      NOTE: If you have any questions or problems, read our Troubleshooting topic & Frequently Asked Questions & Answers topic. If you still haven't found a solution, post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, please post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues.

      - AlyssaX64

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      • 34 replies
    • (Sausage Man China) 香肠派对-变形金刚联动 v19.17 +9 Cheats
      Modded/Hacked App: 香肠派对 By X.D. Network Inc.
      Bundle ID: com.xd.Sausage
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/cn/app/%E9%A6%99%E8%82%A0%E6%B4%BE%E5%AF%B9/id1326730621?uo=4

      Mod Requirements:
      - Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.
      - Filza / iMazing or any other file managers for iOS.
      - Cydia Substrate, Substitute or libhooker depending on your jailbreak.
      - PreferenceLoader (from Cydia or Sileo).

      Hack Features:
      - Rainbow Wall Hack
      - Walk On Water
      - Custom FOV
      - Custom Speed
      - No Recoil
      - No Shake
      - No Muzzle Flash
      - Superman
      - No Fire Sound
      - No Reload Sound
      - No Bow Sound
      - First time doing wall hack and is buggy, for some reason, the game stops registering players if they're not in your vision so it still useful to see enemies easily but works best against bots
      - FOV set it to around 100.
      - Speed, set it around 10 and see if the server registers your speed.

      Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/79-no-jailbreak-section/
      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/

      iOS Hack Download Link:

      Hidden Content
      Download Hack

      Installation Instructions:
      STEP 1: Download the .deb Cydia hack file from the link above.
      STEP 2: Copy the file over to your iDevice using any of the file managers mentioned above or skip this step if you're downloading from your iDevice.
      STEP 3: Using Filza or iFile, browse to where you saved the downloaded .deb file and tap on it.
      STEP 4: Once you tap on the file, you will need to press on 'Install' or 'Installer' from the options on your screen.
      STEP 5: Let Filza / iFile finish the cheat installation. Make sure it successfully installs, otherwise see the note below.
      STEP 6: If the hack is a Mod Menu, which is usually the case nowadays, the cheat features can be toggled in-game. Some cheats have options that can be enabled from your iDevice settings.
      STEP 7: Turn on the features you want and play the game. You may need to follow further instructions inside the hack's popup in-game.


      NOTE: If you have any questions or problems, read our Troubleshooting topic & Frequently Asked Questions & Answers topic. If you still haven't found a solution, post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues.

      - @Zahir

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