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Ok, so here is a detailed step by step approach. There are images to help you with this guide, so you can see them in the hidden sections.


Step 1:



Open the Fire Emblem, and go to your Allies tab and select the Level Up menu. Now touch and hold on one of the characters so you see the detailed view. Go to your home screen and open up iGameGuardian (iGG) and link it to Fire Emblem. The process will be called "Brave iOS Produc". Favorite the character and search in iGG for 100 as an I8 value. Go back into the game and unfavorite the character and now search for 101. Repeat this until you have fewer values. You can also hit the back button and that should narrow down the results considerably. For those who are having trouble getting just 1 result, make sure you do this step of pressing the back button.


Once you have 1 value, touch and hold on that value to save it. In my example, I found the value at 13E5D02A4


Step 2:



Go to the memory tab, and at the top right corner, your found address should already be there (if you touched the value), so just click on Goto. That will bring that address right to the very top. You can see 13E5D02A4 at the very top.


Now notice that in iGG, the hex table list is separated into 4 bytes, so each item is 4 bytes away from the next item. This is different from the proper hex table shown in the first post of this topic which is shows a table that has 8 bytes per row and actually shows each byte for each row and column. We're going to have to manage without the individual bytes visible. In the next step, I've linked up the iGG table to the proper hex table from the first post example to help you figure out where each address should be relatively.


Step 3:



So you can see that 13E5D02A4 is shown at the very bottom and that links up with the hex 65 (which is 101 in decimal that represents unfavoriting your character).


If we open up Windows Calculator and switch it to Programming mode, click on the Hex mode and we are going to subtract 64 from our initial address to bring us to the LV+10 address.


13E5D02A4 - 64 = 13E5D0240


Notice that only the last 2 or 3 digits will change. This address corresponds in the big list near the top.


Step 4:



This now shows a step by step of how we are going to get the values we want. The first two images show the calculator in programming mode and then the previous calculation (13E5D02A4 - 64 = 13E5D0240).

Then we open up the address and it gives us a long decimal number. In this case, it's 936973157. Back in the calculator, select Dec and put this number in. Then click on Hex to get us a Hex value of 37D91365. We then XOR that value with "A" (which is 10 in Hex). Then switch it back to Dec and we have the value 936973167. Notice that only the last few digits should have changed. We then put this in as the new value.


You can repeat this process for the other addresses that are relevant. I don't really understand how these weird numbers work since we can't see the hex directly, so try playing around with the numbers to see if you can get it to work. You can also take what you learn here and see if the stuff in the first post makes more sense.


I hope this helps! Let me know if anything doesn't make sense.



The Bro. It really working. By following ur direction.

Can we +10 with the unit that already level 40?


 tried this with using the Nox Emulator and CE, worked like a charm! I just hope we all have the decency and common sense to not +10 a story unit since they're not available to actually do that. Hopefully we can keep it from nintendo as long as possible. ;)

you say that, but all advanced teams ive been up against has had sheena+10 lmao


Yeah you can man!

I try that when I get home. Did anyone figure out how to clone the unit? I saw it on AG website they can clone the unit.

Hope this can help any of you that is expert in igameguardian.


I use CE first off, I have no clue how to do it on GG, So @@deadlifts is your heroine there.


1. You can either search for the favorite value of the character you want to replace in your group before, or during battle. I'd say before so you don't get it mixed up with the apparent movement value that appears in battle, but you could just move the character and find it that way.


Values to search for your characters favorites are: 64/65, E4/E5, and E5/E6


If you search while in battle keep in mind that 2 results may pop that change. One is for movement. So, if we found one the character that had a favorite of 64/65, when you move the character the movement value will turn to something else like 66 for example.


2. When you get the favorite value of your character, right click the value and tell it to save to the address list, and label it to make it easier to swap to. Now you want to find the enemy value you're wanting to clone, and do the same as you did with your character, Save it to the address list, and label it.


Searching for enemy values are different in story, and arena. Story is E5/ED, arena is 65/6D


3. Now that we found both values, we need to right click the enemy address you saved, and labeled, and click browse memory region, or hit Ctrl+B. Now, if you have your window small enough that opens to have 8 bytes for every row go up from the E5/ED, or 65/6D, 36 rows. If you don't, just make it small enough that you do, and close and re-open the memory editor the same way. Be careful not to change the size afterwards it will move the values around. Also, a Byte appears as such if don't know: 00, or any combination of letters and numbers. So, this is one byte: 00, and this is two bytes: 00 00. So, every row should look like this: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (Not just zeros, they're place holders for this example). That's 8 bytes. You can also use the arrow keys after clicking a byte to move the cursor between the two numbers left and right of every byte, and skip whole bytes going up and down on that row.


Now that's settled, when you're on that 36th row directly up from the E5/ED, or 65/6D, you need to select all the values until you're in the row above the location value of the enemy, so selecting everything from the 36th row and downwards (Just how I do it to make sure the values don't get jumbled), and hit Ctrl+C to copy.


4. Close the memory editor window, and open your character's memory region the same way as the enemy's (Right clicking it and selecting it). Now do the same thing as you did in #3 I explained at the end, but instead of copying, hit Ctrl+V to paste. Now let the mission end,or the arena end (I never tried surrendering not sure if it works), and if it doesn't freeze YOU'RE GOLDEN!!! Just make sure to either swap a skill, and if you cannot. unequip the weapon (You actually can lol!!!) in equip skills for it to sync. If you can't do that, just level the character. Most of the time you may not be able to level, since you may have copied a level 40 Character.


Keep in the mind, the cloned character may have lost some of the upgraded/unlocked skills that you will have to use SP to get back. You'll notice that the character in the group that was cloned has a red bar for the preview at the upper left. You, cannot favorite, or unfavorite when it's like this. To fix this: make sure you synced the character to the server with the steps at the end of #4, and restart the app, and you can mod the character to be any level, and +lvl you want with a boat load of SP with the other tutorial on this thread.


I hope this helps, and I hope it wasn't too long LOL!


EDIT: Fixed a huge mistake of saying the value to start from was 32 rows when it's really 36. I'm really sorry about that one. It' 4:40am here now and I'm sleep deprived!


I try that when I get home. Did anyone figure out how to clone the unit? I saw it on AG website they can clone the unit.

Hope this can help any of you that is expert in igameguardian.


I use CE first off, I have no clue how to do it on GG, So @@deadlifts is your heroine there.


1. You can either search for the favorite value of the character you want to replace in your group before, or during battle. I'd say before so you don't get it mixed up with the apparent movement value that appears in battle, but you could just move the character and find it that way.


Values to search for your characters favorites are: 64/65, E4/E5, and E5/E6


If you search while in battle keep in mind that 2 results may pop that change. One is for movement. So, if we found one the character that had a favorite of 64/65, when you move the character the movement value will turn to something else like 66 for example.


2. When you get the favorite value of your character, right click the value and tell it to save to the address list, and label it to make it easier to swap to. Now you want to find the enemy value you're wanting to clone, and do the same as you did with your character, Save it to the address list, and label it.


Searching for enemy values are different in story, and arena. Story is E5/ED, arena is 65/6D


3. Now that we found both values, we need to right click the enemy address you saved, and labeled, and click browse memory region, or hit Ctrl+B. Now, if you have your window small enough that opens to have 8 bytes for every row go up from the E5/ED, or 65/6D, 36 rows. If you don't, just make it small enough that you do, and close and re-open the memory editor the same way. Be careful not to change the size afterwards it will move the values around. Also, a Byte appears as such if don't know: 00, or any combination of letters and numbers. So, this is one byte: 00, and this is two bytes: 00 00. So, every row should look like this: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (Not just zeros, they're place holders for this example). That's 8 bytes. You can also use the arrow keys after clicking a byte to move the cursor between the two numbers left and right of every byte, and skip whole bytes going up and down on that row.


Now that's settled, when you're on that 36th row directly up from the E5/ED, or 65/6D, you need to select all the values until you're in the row above the location value of the enemy, so selecting everything from the 36th row and downwards (Just how I do it to make sure the values don't get jumbled), and hit Ctrl+C to copy.


4. Close the memory editor window, and open your character's memory region the same way as the enemy's (Right clicking it and selecting it). Now do the same thing as you did in #3 I explained at the end, but instead of copying, hit Ctrl+V to paste. Now let the mission end,or the arena end (I never tried surrendering not sure if it works), and if it doesn't freeze YOU'RE GOLDEN!!! Just make sure to either swap a skill, and if you cannot. unequip the weapon (You actually can lol!!!) in equip skills for it to sync. If you can't do that, just level the character. Most of the time you may not be able to level, since you may have copied a level 40 Character.


Keep in the mind, the cloned character may have lost some of the upgraded/unlocked skills that you will have to use SP to get back. You'll notice that the character in the group that was cloned has a red bar for the preview at the upper left. You, cannot favorite, or unfavorite when it's like this. To fix this: make sure you synced the character to the server with the steps at the end of #4, and restart the app, and you can mod the character to be any level, and +lvl you want with a boat load of SP with the other tutorial on this thread.


I hope this helps, and I hope it wasn't too long LOL!


EDIT: Fixed a huge mistake of saying the value to start from was 32 rows when it's really 36. I'm really sorry about that one. It' 4:40am here now and I'm sleep deprived!

I pass this off to you for your iGameGuardian wisdom @@Zaraf  (y)

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