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[DIY-HACK] Plants vs Zombies 2 (Every Version) - Unlimited Gems and Coins - | Edit suns |

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here we're going to modify our gems, coins our suns in game, (for the suns you'll have to do every time you need it)


this is going to work for both rooted Android / Android emulator both for JB iOS






Rooted device / emulator


Some brain




JB Phone (older FWs will need Gameplayer in order to make this work)

Some more brain but not that much...


Watch this tut hitting that  2nv5y7q.jpg Peace.  :turned: 


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Updated by alpax93
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Well, while this worked when I was in the game, when I finished it resetted the amount back to what it should be. I gave it a value of 154k... Keeps resetting to what it should be. First try I had 6 values, second time 8. The int16 value's can't handle these kinds of values, so I guess those can't hold the money value. It seems like you are editing the string that is shown, not the actual value? Running PvZ2 5.6.1 on my ipad air @ ios 8.3 w/ GameGem


Help? :p Can someone verify that this is working?


Well, while this worked when I was in the game, when I finished it resetted the amount back to what it should be. I gave it a value of 154k... Keeps resetting to what it should be. First try I had 6 values, second time 8. The int16 value's can't handle these kinds of values, so I guess those can't hold the money value. It seems like you are editing the string that is shown, not the actual value? Running PvZ2 5.6.1 on my ipad air @ ios 8.3 w/ GameGem


Help? :p Can someone verify that this is working?



This is a screen of my actual values hope that it proves that this is working. I made this on 1 Android emulator, 1 iphone 5 iOS 7.1, 1 ipad air 8.3.

After 10 days i'm still able to have my modded values and use them.


To come to your problem here's what i'd suggest you:

-first of all try gameplayer instead of gamegem before say "can someone verify this is working" and see if it works, it's written that the tut is made on gameplayer but IT SHOULD WORK on gamegem due to the fact that is based on the same idea, this means that if you want to do it by yourself you have to use brain or, if you can't manage to do it, follow the steps proved and working.

-The search has to be done as i say, and it's obviously impossible due to logic that those processes number will increase instead of decrease when you follow this procedure, it's a "ricorsive" search on the processes hitted by the changements and every time you do it, the app will find the useless processes, so it sounds strange that they increase instead of decrease.

-I'm not pretending and not asking you to change the value of a int16 that has his max range at (-)32768.

-Dwords and Qwords are used to store money and gems.

-This game"modders" are usersided and not serversided so in some games you may issue a "fake" coin value due to the simple string modification, BUT if you would edit just the string you won't be able to buy anything in game cause the value shown is not a real one. This is not that chase, i'm sorry. Try to do it again, it's written that for ios is required a bit more brain usage than android in order to have this to work.




This is a screen of my actual values hope that it proves that this is working. I made this on 1 Android emulator, 1 iphone 5 iOS 7.1, 1 ipad air 8.3.

After 10 days i'm still able to have my modded values and use them.


To come to your problem here's what i'd suggest you:

-first of all try gameplayer instead of gamegem before say "can someone verify this is working" and see if it works, it's written that the tut is made on gameplayer but IT SHOULD WORK on gamegem due to the fact that is based on the same idea, this means that if you want to do it by yourself you have to use brain or, if you can't manage to do it, follow the steps proved and working.

-The search has to be done as i say, and it's obviously impossible due to logic that those processes number will increase instead of decrease when you follow this procedure, it's a "ricorsive" search on the processes hitted by the changements and every time you do it, the app will find the useless processes, so it sounds strange that they increase instead of decrease.

-I'm not pretending and not asking you to change the value of a int16 that has his max range at (-)32768.

-Dwords and Qwords are used to store money and gems.

-This game"modders" are usersided and not serversided so in some games you may issue a "fake" coin value due to the simple string modification, BUT if you would edit just the string you won't be able to buy anything in game cause the value shown is not a real one. This is not that chase, i'm sorry. Try to do it again, it's written that for ios is required a bit more brain usage than android in order to have this to work.


Good for you. I'm not stupid (unlike most), I know the difference between a int-16/int-32/int-64. That's why I mentioned it, cuz' making it it's max value doesn't make sense. If you used your brain a little bit more you might have understood that I tried doing this 'hack' twice, and I got 6 hits the first time (after four searches) and 8 the second time. This has to be client side, since if it was serverside this obviously wouldn't work.


Since my ipad runs 8.3 I can't use GP, since the version from Insanelyi is for 4.3.x-7.x. Hence I use GameGem, since it supports 8.x. Is there another repo I should get the software from?


I hope you can bring a little bit more light from your heart in the next post ;-)

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