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Hello guys

most of you are young so I would like to share a small Topic to make Bodybuilding a little bit shiny in your minds.

If there is any questions - personal questions - How to questions, feel free to ask me here. If it is too personal you can PM me.

I helped alot of young people from all the world.

If you like this sharing then gimme a <3

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    What is Bodybuilding?

    Bodybuilding is the use of progressive resistance exercise to control and develop one's musculature. An individual who engages in this activity is referred to as a bodybuilder. In competitive amateur and professional bodybuilding, bodybuilders appear in lineups doing specified poses, and later perform individual posing routines, for a panel of judges who rank competitors based on criteria such as symmetry, muscularity and conditioning. Bodybuilders prepare for competition through a combination of dehydration, fat loss, oils, carb loading to achieve maximum vascularity, and tanning (or tanning lotions) which make their muscular definition more distinct. Well-known bodybuilders include Charles Atlas, Steve Reeves, Reg Park, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Juliana Malacarne, and Lou Ferrigno.

    In your first six months of training, hit upper- and lower-body workouts three times per week. For example:

    Day 1: Squat, Bench Press, Bent-over Rows

    Day 2: Rest

    Day 3: Deadlift, Shoulder Press, Dumbbell Incline Bench

    Day 4: Rest

    Day 5: Squat, Bench Press, Lateral Raise, Pull-ups

    Day 6: Rest

    Day 7: Clean Up Day—Biceps, Triceps, Calves, and Abs

    Repeat for four weeks straight and then re-establish your goal and what you'd like to achieve.

    10 Mistakes To Avoid While You're Still Young

    As a guy who's been in the iron game for many years, I can't tell you how often I've read or heard something like the following: "When I was a young lifter, I was so stupid. I don't know how I ever made gains!"

    Quite frankly, even a lousy, borderline-unsafe training program will produce results if you hit it hard, don't skip many workouts, and continue to do so for years. But there is some truth to that "young and stupid" sentiment. Young lifters often do things that don't hurt them too much at the time, but their "sins of youth" often come back to haunt them like a scorching case of herpes in their 30s and 40s.

    Looking back at my own lifting history, I did tons of stuff wrong, but not every mistake was a huge deal. Sure, I probably beat myself up too much on occasion, but I was enthusiastic and loved the gym.

    However, had I known better, there are a few key mistakes I would have avoided as an eager young lifter. If I could travel back in time and find my younger self in the gym, I'd sit him down on a bench and tell him about these 10 mistakes so he could keep getting bigger, stronger, and healthier well into his later years.


    I used to think warming up too much would leave me gassed and weak for my epic one-rep-max bench press—which I tested every single week, by the way.

    For years, I warmed up for a chest workout with, well, a chest workout on the flat bench! I threw up 135 pounds for 15 reps, felt good about it, arrogantly slapped on two plates to each side, and got pinned like a rookie.

    Today, I'm much wiser: I avoid pushing out excess junk "warm-up" reps till I'm stapled to the bench. Instead I start each workout with a 7-10 minute general warm-up, focusing on hip, shoulder, and thoracic mobility. Then I do a gradual, low-rep warm-up using my first exercise of the day as a way of "rehearsing" for the upcoming movement. Some people get antsy and jump right into heavy lifting, but a proper warm-up increases blood flow to the muscles and improves joint viscosity.

    Rest only as long as the time it takes to add weight between sets.

    A low-rep warm-up like this ensures your body is properly revved up for a heavy movement without jeopardizing your joints and body, which could impact you later in life.


    Loading more and more weight onto the bar is one of the most effective ways to build size and strength, but it's also playing with fire—at least from a long-term health perspective. I don't know a single lifter who went heavy all the time in his 20s that doesn't now have some type of chronic injury in his late 30s.

    For me, it's shoulders, lower back, and neck—my unholy trinity. I actually got off easy, because these are things I can work around. Other people aren't so lucky. Many a lifter has hung up his weight belt by age 40 because of joint issues.

    This isn't to say that heavy training is forever out of the question. Your body will not progress or recover in a linear fashion as you continue to add training years to your resume, so constantly pushing yourself to the edge in pursuit of strength gains without intelligent training and programming will spell disaster.

    You should still train heavy, but you shouldn't always train heavy if you want to train for life. Program periods of lower-intensity, higher-volume training after your high-intensity training cycles.


    According to trainer Brad Schoenfeld, author of "The M.A.X. Muscle Plan," the optimal number of sets for growth varies from person to person and depends on genetics, training experience, and nutritional status. Some lifters—like yours truly—respond better to lots of sets and moderate reps, which is known as high-volume training. This is a generally "safer" way to train than lifting heavy all the time, and it doesn't hurt that this type of training helps build muscle.

    Junk volume, however, is too many reps and sets; that can impose significant wear on joints and tendons, especially if excellent form isn't followed or the exact same movement pattern gets repeated too often, even with different implements. Not to mention that there's a point of diminishing returns on training stimulus.

    Schoenfeld says optimal results are achieved by taking a periodized approach, in which the number of sets is adjusted over the course of a training cycle. For example, for the first month, perform 8-10 sets per muscle group per week. Then, for the second month, perform 12-15; finally for the third month, push the envelope and perform 18-20 sets per week.

    While actual overtraining—a term that gets thrown around a lot in circles where high-volume training is the norm—is a bit of a boogeyman because few recreational lifters ever truly reach it, you can certainly get close by training far too much for too long. This can weaken the immune system and negatively affect hormone levels, which sucks.


    Everyone intrinsically understands that lifting heavier and heavier, or with higher volume for the same weight, is a proven way to get bigger. It's the principle of progressive overload. However, there's one other method that rarely gets the credit it deserves: exercise variety.

    Let me be clear: Variety in strength training versus hypertrophy (muscle growth) training can elicit different results. In strength training, variety can be counterproductive, since you want to constantly prime your body to rock at a few key lifts. With hypertrophy training, the exercises are just stimuli for the muscles to grow because the body adapts to an exercise relatively quickly, especially as you get more advanced.

    It's on you to keep your body guessing with just slight variations of the same movement patterns, such as switching from standard dumbbell curls to hammer curls.

    These days, I swap out all my exercises completely every month unless I'm in a dedicated strength phase. If you're short on ideas, pick up Bill Pearl's classic "Keys to the Inner Universe," which has about 9,000 exercises, or browse the Bodybuilding.com Exercise Database. Have fun!


    Earlier, I noted that hard work performed consistently will get results. However, there's a point at which you can be too consistent—not just with your exercise selection, but with your training frequency.

    For years, I trained each body part once a week but didn't get very far. I guess I thought that if I stuck to it long enough, it would eventually work. (Stupid.). I learned, however, that I simply needed to stay ahead of my body's ability to adapt. Beyond hard work and proper intensity, that means consistency—and change as needed.

    Nowadays, I change my training frequency at least every three months. I hit each muscle twice a week, to every five days, to three times a week, or even to four times a week with frequent, low-volume workouts.


    There are no inherently "dangerous" or "bad" exercises—only exercises with a higher risk of injury, as well as exercises that are inappropriate for a lifter's goal, flexibility, or orthopedic health.

    For example, the behind-the-neck press is a great lift for the medial and anterior deltoids. For someone with so-so shoulder mobility like myself, however, it's a bad choice. It's much better for me to use dumbbells or machines. Basically, what's a great exercise for some isn't the best choice for all. If it hurts you, don't do it.


    Let me guess: You probably started your lifting journey by carpet-bombing your biceps, triceps, and chest. Eventually, your back, shoulders, and legs joined the party. Cool, but what about the smaller muscles you ignored?

    See, what happens over the years is that you'll realize your physique looks somewhat lacking—full of aesthetic holes, if you will—in places where there's plenty of "untapped" muscle for growth.

    These often include the posterior chain—the term that defines your glutes, hamstrings, erectors, and trapezius, collectively—which can turn into monstrous muscles that look seriously impressive when fully developed. The often-neglected forearms and rear delts also give a muscular physique a polished, complete look.

    Why wait till you're 30 before you start training them? Start hitting the muscles you don't see in the mirror right now. This way you'll enter your 30s looking balanced and complete, and avoid having to play catch-up.


    Flexibility, mobility, dynamic stretching, static stretching—you name it, I avoided it all to save time for more reps of cable flyes. (Stupid again.)

    As I now enter my middle years, I'm forced to try to recapture the nimbleness of my youth. Or at least loosen up my hips a little.

    The cool thing about flexibility is that once you have it, it's relatively easy to maintain. Another cool thing is that bodybuilding-style training, which often forces a full range of motion in the movements, can help—to a degree.

    Daily forces like sitting at a computer all day or slumping over your La-Z-Boy with a cold one in hand relentlessly conspire to tighten you into a pretzel. Usually, even the most robust weight-training program isn't enough to counter these forces. Start stretching before and after workouts now, before you have to really work to untwist yourself with awkward groans.

    You don't need dozens of drills to really improve things. In fact, a small set of effective drills done perfectly is much more effective. Here are a couple pre-workout drills for the lower body and one for the shoulders, courtesy of mobility expert Dean Somerset:

    Alternating pigeon

    2-step 3D hip stretch

    Bodyweight Cossack squat

    ITYW shoulder raise


    In my 20s, my idea of recovery was slamming back a post-workout sugar bomb and playing video games until 2 a.m. (Ahh, those were the days.) In my 30s, I tried to go to bed earlier and drink less soda—especially less soda mixed with Jim Beam.

    These days, two-thirds of my supplement and lifestyle choices revolve around sleeping better, digesting optimally, and recovering fully. And you know what? As a result of my refocused efforts, I'm also experiencing the best hypertrophy gains I've ever had, mainly because I know my body, but also because I'm allocating my energy to keep myself healthy and relaxed.

    It's hard to see the immediate benefits of fish oil, probiotics, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D3, magnesium at night, limiting the stimulants, and tons of vegetables in the blur of youth, but your future self will thank you.


    I used to stress about eating the exact grams of protein I ate every day and whether I should include concentration curls or cable curls. These are still (sort of) important issues to me, but I wish I could've viewed training differently when I was younger.

    Back then, I just wanted to get as jacked as I could, and would do whatever it took to look the part. Nowadays, lifting is less a way to get strong, look jacked, or even be "healthy," but more of a daily investment in myself. It's become 75 minutes of blissful meditation, the sole purpose of which is to make me a stronger, more capable, more aware human being.

    The veins, the pumps, and the PRs, while still cool, are just icing on the cake. I train because I love it and because it makes me a better person. And because I can.

    If you work out consistently, eat smart, and get plenty of rest, your physique can continue to improve like a young man's. However, it's a much smoother process when good habits are already a part of your daily routine.

    That means starting from when you're young—as in, right now. You can't turn back the hands of time, my friend. Start babying your body today and reap the rewards tomorrow.

    The Top 10 Golden Rules Of Effective Training

    1 / The Scale is Not Your Best Indicator of Success

    Some people place far too much importance on the number they see on the scale. What they forget is that it's not about gaining weight; it's about gaining high-quality lean muscle weight. The number on the scale changes from day to day and even from hour to hour. Yes, you should weigh in regularly, but not obsessively. The mirror is a far better evaluator for measuring success.

    2 / Muscle Soreness is Not the Best Way to Judge Your Workout

    Muscle soreness is a direct result of small breaks in the muscle fibers during your training session, but soreness is an unreliable measurement tool. Yes, it probably means that your workout has reached a higher level, but keep in mind that if you worked out for the first time in a year, you'd be sore, regardless of your workout's effectiveness.

    Also, effective and consistent training often produce less soreness as you progress. That doesn't mean your workouts are losing effectiveness. It simply means you're getting stronger.

    3 / The Best Workout is the One You Actually Do

    No matter how good your program is, it won't get you results if you don't perform it confidently, enthusiastically, and above all, consistently. Results are the only thing that matters. If what you do works for you right now and you're committed to it, then keep doing it. As you gain more experience, you can build up to whatever is the "optimal" program. Remember, it's important to stick with the fundamentals and take them to higher and higher levels if you want to succeed. The videos, podcasts, and posts on the thread delve much deeper into this topic.

    4 / Less is More—Really!

    Shorter sessions with fewer exercises, sets, and reps are the best way to build mass in the shortest time. I call this "Mass Machine Training." I learned this in my own career. When a person is forced to up their game without using more reps, sets or exercises, they find out what they are truly capable of in the gym.

    It wasn't until I made myself stick to a 4-6 rep range with heavier weight and fewer exercises in a shorter period of time that I started to get incredible results. I offer 13 free routines just like this for you on my website. Mass Machine Training is awesome because it builds mental and emotional strength along with promoting physical strength and muscle gains.

    5 / Supplements are Only One Part of an Effective Program

    I make money selling supplements, but I'm telling you that they are not a replacement for good training, healthy eating, or mental focus. Mass Machine Nutrition makes outstanding and highly-effective supplements, but they're simply an important addition to all of those other things, and they only benefit you once you have your goals and system in place. How's that for giving it to you straight?

    6 / Intensity is the Key to Growth

    The foundation of all good training programs is their intensity, regardless of whether they're long or short, split or whole-body programs. All training should be a sprint, not a marathon. The more you "sprint," the more effective your training will be. Training in a marathon-like manner nets you less progress in a longer period of time.

    Mass Machine Training forces you to step up and use your physical, mental, and emotional abilities to their fullest. You'll be surprised by just how much your performance in the gym will improve when you are locked in. Some bodybuilders require tough love to understand this, and because I know firsthand what it takes to get results, my coaching often involves this tough love. I promise, it is well worth it.

    7 / Lack of Experience Makes You Think You Should Train Longer

    I firmly believe that shorter, more intense workouts are the key to achieving phenomenal results in a shorter period of time. I don't think that any workout should last more than an hour-if that.

    A lot of people think that my 25 years of experience allows me to get results from a short workout, but they're looking at it from the wrong perspective. It's not my experience that allows me to shorten my time in the gym without sacrificing effectiveness. It's your lack of experience that makes you feel you must stay in the gym longer. This is because you lack confidence in your ability to effectively train. The key is to force yourself to be just as effective in less time. That's when you hit the level of intensity you need to get results from a short workout.

    8 / Your Mind is the Most Important Muscle to Engage

    Having the right mindset is the key to effective training. If you phone it in, you might as well go home. Unfortunately, most guys believe they are "working hard" in the gym even when that's not the case. That's OK. It's why I make myself available to you on the message board.

    It's my job as your coach to help you discover what you are capable of achieving. I take that role seriously. You have to be completely focused on every rep, completely tuned in to every muscle. You also have to believe in yourself and what you do. You can engage all the muscle fibers you want, but you won't see dramatic results unless you engage your mind first. If you're not mentally ready when you walk into the gym, take five minutes to get ready or you'll waste your time and energy.

    9 / Shorter Rest Periods Aren't Necessarily Better

    There's a huge trend toward on taking the shortest rest between sets, but I say you may need to make them longer. You should rest long enough to get close to 100 percent of your strength back, but not so long that you lose your concentration and focus. In heavy weight training, with the goal of absolute muscle failure, you need to get most of your strength back before moving on to the next set. This is because you have to train as heavily as you can to build real muscle in the most effective and efficient manner. You must learn to train this way to build the most amount of muscle in the shortest period of time.

    A lot of guys feel that shorter rest periods help them lose fat faster, but that's why we diet and perform cardio. When you lift, your goal is to build muscle, not burn fat.

    10 / Don't Underestimate the Importance of Nutrition

    Good training isn't just what you do with your body; it's also what you feed your body. You've all seen guys who work out like mad but their bodies just don't show the results you'd expect. This is usually because they lack the nutrients to get those results.

    Experts say that the way you eat accounts for as much as 80 percent of how you look. My experience bears this out, to the extent that if I had to choose between working out and good nutrition, I would take good nutrition. Learn the important basics of good nutrition and follow them consistently! This is why I talk about nutrition so often on the thread. It's a huge part of the bodybuilding world.

    Top 6 Bodybuilding Apps







Enjoy ! More coming soon.. (like Supplements, eating plans etc.)


Updated by DrogenKinder
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  • Our picks

    • Kingdom Clash:Medieval Defense v2.5.2 +3 cheats
      Modded/Hacked App: Kingdom Clash: Legions Battle By AI GAMES FZ LLC
      Bundle ID: azurgames.kingdom.clash
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/kingdom-clash-legions-battle/id1611722542?uo=4

      Mod Requirements:
      - Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.
      - iGameGod / Filza / iMazing or any other file managers for iOS.
      - Cydia Substrate, Substitute or libhooker depending on your jailbreak.
      - PreferenceLoader (from Cydia, Sileo or Zebra).

      Hack Features:
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      - Defense Multiplier
      - VIP Enabled

      Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/79-no-jailbreak-section/
      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/

      iOS Hack Download Link:

      Hidden Content
      Download Hack

      Installation Instructions:
      STEP 1: Download the .deb Cydia hack file from the link above. Use Safari/Google Chrome or other iOS browsers to download.
      STEP 2: Once the file has downloaded, tap on it and then you will be prompted on whether you want to open the deb with iGameGod or copy it to Filza.
      STEP 3: If necessary, tap on the downloaded file, and then, you will need to press 'Install' from the options on your screen.
      STEP 4: Let iGameGod/Filza finish the cheat installation. Make sure it successfully installs, otherwise see the note below.
      STEP 5: If the hack is a Mod Menu — which is usually the case nowadays — the cheat features can be toggled in-game. Some cheats have options that can be enabled from your iDevice settings.
      STEP 6: Turn on the features you want and play the game. You may need to follow further instructions inside the hack's popup in-game.


      NOTE: If you have any questions or problems, read our Troubleshooting topic & Frequently Asked Questions & Answers topic. If you still haven't found a solution, post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, please post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues.

      - iNME

      Cheat Video/Screenshots:

      • 235 replies
    • Fortress Saga: AFK RPG Cheats v1.7.11 +5
      Modded/Hacked App: Fortress Saga: AFK RPG By cookapps
      Bundle ID: com.cookapps.bm.fortresssaga
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/fortress-saga-afk-rpg/id6446308106?uo=4

      Hack Features:
      - Damage Multiplier
      - Defense Multiplier
      - Free Store (not Free iAP)

      iOS Hack Download Link: https://iosgods.com/topic/178933-fortress-saga-afk-rpg-cheats-v1405-3/
      • 324 replies
    • The Elder Scrolls: Castles v1.5.4 +2 Jailed Cheats
      Modded/Hacked App: The Elder Scrolls: Castles By Bethesda Softworks LLC
      Bundle ID: com.bethsoft.stronghold
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/the-elder-scrolls-castles/id1594657136?uo=4



      📌 Mod Requirements

      - Non-Jailbroken/Jailed or Jailbroken iPhone or iPad.
      - Sideloadly or alternatives.
      - Computer running Windows/macOS/Linux with iTunes installed.


      🤩 Hack Features

      - Damage Multiplier
      - Never Die

      🍏 Jailbreak iOS hacks: 


      ⬇️ iOS Hack Download IPA Link

      Hidden Content

      Download via the iOSGods App


      📖 PC Installation Instructions

      STEP 1: Download the pre-hacked .IPA file from the link above to your computer. To download from the iOSGods App, see our iOSGods App IPA Download Tutorial which includes a video example.
      STEP 2: Download Sideloadly and install it on your Windows or Mac.
      STEP 3: Open Sideloadly on your computer, connect your iOS device, and wait until your device name appears in Sideloadly.
      STEP 4: Once your iDevice is recognized, drag the modded .IPA file you downloaded and drop it into the Sideloadly application.
      STEP 5: Enter your Apple Account email when prompted, then press “Start.” You’ll then be asked to enter your password. Go ahead and provide the required information.
      STEP 6: Wait for Sideloadly to finish sideloading/installing the hacked IPA. If there are issues during installation, please read the note below.
      STEP 7: Once the installation is complete and you see the app on your Home Screen, you will need to go to Settings -> General -> Profiles / VPN & Device Management. Once there, tap on the email you entered from step 6, and then tap on 'Trust [email protected]'.
      STEP 8: Now go to your Home Screen and open the newly installed app and everything should work fine. You may need to follow further per app instructions inside the hack's popup in-game.

      NOTE: iOS/iPadOS 16 and later, you must enable Developer Mode. For free Apple Developer accounts, you will need to repeat this process every 7 days. If you have any questions or problems, read our Sideloadly FAQ section of the topic and if you don't find a solution, please post your issue below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues.


      🙌 Credits

      - AlyssaX64


      📷 Cheat Video/Screenshots

      • 0 replies
    • The Elder Scrolls: Castles v1.5.4 +2 Cheats
      Modded/Hacked App: The Elder Scrolls: Castles By Bethesda Softworks LLC
      Bundle ID: com.bethsoft.stronghold
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/the-elder-scrolls-castles/id1594657136?uo=4



      📌 Mod Requirements

      - Jailbroken iPhone or iPad.
      - iGameGod / Filza / iMazing.
      - Cydia Substrate, ElleKit, Substitute or libhooker depending on your jailbreak (from Cydia, Sileo or Zebra).


      🤩 Hack Features

      - Damage Multiplier
      - Never Die

      🍏 For Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hacks: 


      ⬇️ iOS Hack Download Link

      Hidden Content

      Download Hack


      📖 iOS Installation Instructions

      STEP 1: Download the .deb hack file from the link above. Use Safari, Google Chrome or other iOS browsers to download.
      STEP 2: Once the file has downloaded, tap on it and then you will be prompted on whether you want to open the deb with iGameGod or copy it to Filza.
      STEP 3: If needed, tap on the downloaded file again, then select ‘Normal Install’ from the options on your screen.
      STEP 4: Let iGameGod/Filza finish the cheat installation. If it doesn’t install successfully, see the note below.
      STEP 5: Open the game, log in to your iOSGods account when asked, then toggle on the features you want and enjoy!


      NOTE: If you have any questions or problems, read our Jailbreak iOS Hack Troubleshooting & Frequently Asked Questions & Answers topic. If you still haven't found a solution, post your issue below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, please post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues.


      🙌 Credits

      - AlyssaX64


      📷 Cheat Video/Screenshots



      🔗 More iOS App Hacks & Android Modded APKs

      If you’re looking for Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required iOS IPA hacks, visit the iOSGods No Jailbreak Section for a variety of modded games and apps for non-jailbroken iOS devices.

      Need Modded Android APKs too? Head over to the iOSGods Android Section for custom APK mods, cheats, and more.
      • 3 replies
    • BitLife - Life Simulator Cheats v3.17.8 +2
      Modded/Hacked App: BitLife - Life Simulator by Candywriter, LLC
      Bundle ID: com.wtfapps.apollo16
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bitlife-life-simulator/id1374403536?uo=4&at=1010lce4

      Hack Features:
      - Infinite Cash
      - Free Bitizen Purchase (Press Cancle) - Work for All Versions

      Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/topic/84167-arm64-bitlife-life-simulator-v1412-jailed-cheats-2/

      Hack Download Link: https://iosgods.com/topic/84223-arm64-bitlife-life-simulator-cheats-all-versions-2/
        • Like
      • 3,447 replies
    • Kick the Buddy: Forever Cheats (All Versions) +3
      Modded/Hacked App: Kick the Buddy: Forever by Playgendary GmbH
      Bundle ID: com.playgendary.ktb2
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/kick-the-buddy-forever/id1435346021?uo=4&at=1010lce4

      Hack Features:
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      - No Ads
      - Blood Mode

      Hack Download Link: https://iosgods.com/topic/85558-arm64-kick-the-buddy-forever-cheats-all-versions-3/
      • 125 replies
    • Kick The Buddy Cheats (All Versions) +5
      Modded/Hacked App: Kick the Buddy By Playgendary Limited
      Bundle ID: com.chillfleet.buddy
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/kick-the-buddy/id1278869953?uo=4


      📌 Mod Requirements

      - Jailbroken iPhone or iPad.
      - iGameGod / Filza / iMazing.
      - Cydia Substrate, ElleKit, Substitute or libhooker depending on your jailbreak (from Cydia, Sileo or Zebra).


      🤩 Hack Features

      - Infinite Golds (Spend some/ Get some)
      - Infinite Bucks (Spend some/ Get some)
      - All Items Owned
      - No Ads
      - Premium

      🍏 For Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hacks: https://iosgods.com/topic/84162-kick-the-buddy-v1212-jailed-cheats-5/


      ⬇️ iOS Hack Download Link: https://iosgods.com/topic/84121-kick-the-buddy-cheats-all-versions-5/
      • 267 replies
    • Gran Saga Idle:KNIGHTSxKNIGHTS Cheats v1.25.0 +2
      Modded/Hacked App: Gran Saga Idle:KNIGHTSxKNIGHTS By Kakao Games Corp.
      Bundle ID: com.piedpixels.gransagaidle
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/gran-saga-idle-knightsxknights/id6482985104?uo=4

      Hack Features:
      - Multiply Attack
      - Multiply Defense

      iOS Hack Download Link: https://iosgods.com/topic/182761-gran-saga-idleknightsxknights-cheats-v101-2/
      • 255 replies
    • Dummynation Cheats v3.2.3 +3
      Modded/Hacked App: Dummynation By ALEJANDRO HERNANDEZ FERRERO
      Bundle ID: ahf.dummynation
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/dummynation/id6444295551?uo=4


      📌 Mod Requirements

      - Jailbroken iPhone or iPad.
      - iGameGod / Filza / iMazing.
      - Cydia Substrate, ElleKit, Substitute or libhooker depending on your jailbreak (from Cydia, Sileo or Zebra).


      🤩 Hack Features

      - Premium + No Ads
      - Infinite Research Point
      - Infinite Liquidity (Gold)

      🍏 For Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hacks: https://iosgods.com/topic/191828-dummynation-v313-jailed-cheats-3/


      ⬇️ iOS Hack Download Link: https://iosgods.com/topic/191829-dummynation-cheats-v313-3/
      • 6 replies
    • The Crown Saga: Pi’s Adventure Cheats v1.0.16 +6
      Modded/Hacked App: The Crown Saga: Pi’s Adventure By SuperPlanet corp.
      Bundle ID: com.superplanet.crown
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/the-crown-saga-pis-adventure/id6636483923?uo=4

      Hack Features:
      - Multiply Attack
      - Multiply Defense
      - God Mode
      - Instant Skills
      - Infinite MP
      - Custom Move Speed

      Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/79-no-jailbreak-section/

      iOS Hack Download Link: https://iosgods.com/topic/188573-the-crown-saga-pi%E2%80%99s-adventure-cheats-v107-6/
      • 61 replies
    • Cafeland - World Kitchen Cheats v2.41.7 +1
      Modded/Hacked App: Cafeland - World Kitchen by Gamegos Internet Teknolojileri Ltd Sti.
      Bundle ID: com.gamegos.mobile.cafeland
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/cafeland-world-kitchen/id1147665432?uo=4&at=1010lce4

      Hack Features:
      - Freeze Currencies

      iOS Hack Download Link: https://iosgods.com/topic/100701-arm64-cafeland-world-kitchen-cheats-v2023-1/
        • Agree
      • 399 replies
    • Sushi Bar Idle Cheats v2.8.4 +2
      Modded/Hacked App: Sushi Bar Idle by GREEN PANDA
      Bundle ID: com.gangame.sushibar
      iTunes Store Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sushi-bar-idle/id1438089337?mt=8&uo=4&at=1010lce4

      Hack Features:
      - Infinite Coins
      - No Ads

      Hack Download Link: https://iosgods.com/topic/87577-arm64-sushi-bar-idle-cheats-v115-2/
      • 92 replies
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