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Mortal Kombat X Unlock ALL character use IGG (same card in team,boss card will be soon)

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iOS character and boss cards codes for 1.11


55386 inferno scorpion

55384 ninjutsu scorpion

55391 scorpion 

55405 injustice scorpion

55945 shirai ryu 

55399 kold war scorpion

55408 klassic scorpion 

55409 hellspawn scorpion

55412 spec-op scorpion

57360 grandmaster subzero

57359 cryomancer subzero

57354 subzero

52484 lin kuei 

57364 revenant subzero

57375 klassic subzero

57368kold war subzero

52114 sun god total kahn 

52113 blood god total kahn

52118 kotal kahn 

53679 osh tekk

52121 dark lord total kahn

54376 warlock quan chi

53511 oni

51627 commando kano

51625 cutthroat kano

51631 kano

51642 klassic kano

56901 tactical sonya blade

56900 demolition sonya blade

56905 sonya blade

56909 kold war sonya blade

56913 klassic sonya blade

48377 spectral ermac

48376 master of souls ermac

48372 ermac 

48381 pharaoh ermac

49103 nightmare freddy krueger 

51209 jacqui briggs 

51202 high tech jacqui briggs

51213 cybernetic jacqui briggs

51690 balanced kenshi 

51691 possessed kenshi 

51697 kenshi 

51708 ronin kenshi 

51699 elder god kenshi

51771 mournful kitana 

51766 assassin kitana

51790 kitana 

51774 dark empress kitana 

51778 day of the dead kitana

58547 monk 

52282 hat trick kung lao

52277 shaolin master kung lao

52286 revenant kung lao

52247 shaolin kung jin 

52245 bojutsu kung jin 

52250 kung jin 

52253 marksman kung jin 

54756 noxious reptile 

54755 nimble reptile 

54761 reptile

55199 saurian 

54764 kraken reptile

48423 gunslinger erron black 

48434 bounty hunter erron black 

51444 a-list johnny cage 

51443 stunt double johnny cage

51432 johnny cage

51449 ninja mime johnny cage

51434 undead hunter johnny cage 

47050 venomous dvorah 

47049 swarm queen dvorah 

47053 dvorah 

54473 thunder god raiden 

54498 dark raiden 

54493 klassic raiden 

40911 covert ops cassie cage 

40914 cassie cage 

57063 trooper 

40919 undercover cassie cage

51290 jax briggs 

51297 farmer jax briggs 

57065 sergent 

51286 heavy weapon jax briggs 

51293 revenant jax briggs 

52885 piercing mileena

52892 ravenous mileena

52502 flaming fist liu kang

52506 dark emperor liu kang

51260 slasher jason voorhees 

51263 unstoppable jason voorhees 

51268 relentless jason voorhees 

55928 bone shaper shinnok 

58189 triborg cyrex lk-4d4

58199 tribork sektor lk-9t9

58203 triborg smoke lk-7t2

57696 konu jutsu tanya 




51626 boss kano 

54757 boss reptile

52115 boss kotal kahn 

48378 boss ermac 

55387 boss scorpion 

52246 boss kung jin

51767 boss kitana

48424 boss erron black 

51709 boss kenshi 

51711 spirit kenshi 

56910 boss sonya blade

51775 boss dark empress kitana

52287 boss revenant kung lao 

54499 boss dark raiden 

51264 boss jason voorhees 

54766 boss kraken reptile

51436 boss undead hunter johnny cage

55930 boss shinnok 

55401 boss kald war scorpion 

51204 boss jacqui briggs 

51644 boss klassic kano

52122 boss boss dark emperor kotal jahn 

52254 boss marksman kung jin 

48383 boss pharaoh ermac 

57370 boss kald war subzero 

58190 boss boss cyrex

58200 boss sektor 

58204 boss smoke 

56914 boss klassic sonya blade 

51780 boss day of the dead kitana 

49105 boss freddy krueger 

51700 boss elder god kenshi 

55385 boss ninjutsu scorpion 

52119 boss kotal kahn 

57355 boss subzero 

54377 boss quan chi 

52251 boss kung jin 


Many thanks sir. Can you please update full v1.11 character codes. Thank you so much for your help 

Sorry for my noobish but what is EAP sir?

char codes for ios mkx v 1.11 have been update page 153

Posted (edited)

Android Codes for MKX v1.11



(All Updated 1.11)


57029 SlasherJasonVoorheesKP

57030 KlassicScorpionKP

57031 KlassicSub-ZeroKP

47771 ChallengeP

43694 CageFamilyP

51187 EquipmentP

47773 HeavyWeaponsJaxBriggsCP

47774 UnstoppleJasonVoorheesCP

47772 GunslingerErronBlackCP

52029 AllianceP

50875 EliteP

60132 KardP

61195 TutorialKardP

57027 KombatP

61111 TripleTriborgDeluxeP

57927 NetherrealmP

42766 BladeStarterP

51859 FireStarterP

53408 IceStarterP

57028 RelentlessJasonVoorheesKP

55000 SpecialOpsScorpionKP

53055 HolidayPack


Early Access Packs:

(All Updated 1.11)


52896 GunslingerErronBlackEA

54999 KoldWarSonyaBladeEA

58005 RoninKenshiEA

49861 DarkEmpressKitanaEA

54686 DayoftheDeadKitanaEA

49241 DarkRaidenEA

58078 RevenentKungLaoEA

55048 KrakenReptileEA

53306 UndeadHunterJohnnyCageEA

43580 BoneShaperShinnokEA

55953 MarksmanKungJinEA

49744 DarkLordKotalKahnEA

54898 KlassicKanoEA

53307 HighTechJacquiBriggsEA

55211 KoldWarScorpionEA

55212 KoldWarSub-ZeroEA

56769 PharaohErmacEA

49148 CyraxTriborgEA

59092 SmokeTriborgEA

58395 SektorTriborgEA

54899 KlassicSonyaBladeEA

52014 NightmareFreddyKruegerEA

54626 ElderGodKenshiEA


Character Cards:

(All Updated 1.11)


At page 96, you can find how you can unlock missed characters in store.


43814 Cassie Cage Covert Ops

43817 Cassie Cage

43822 Cassie Cage Undercover

49952 D'vorah Swarm Queen

49953 D'vorah Venomous

49956 D'vorah

51275 Ermac

51279 Ermac Master of Souls

51280 Ermac Spectral

51284 Ermac Pharaoh

51326 Erron Black Gunslinger

51337 Erron Black Bounty Hunter

52006 Freddy Krueger Nightmare

54105 Jacqui Briggs High Tech

54112 Jacqui Briggs

54116 Jacqui Briggs Cybernetic

54163 Jason Voorhees Slasher

54166 Jason Voorhees Unstoppable

54171 Jason Voorhees Relentless

54189 Jax Briggs Heavy Weapons

54193 Jax Briggs

54196 Jax Briggs Revenant

54200 Jax Briggs Farmer

54335 Johnny Cage

54337 Johnny Cage Undead Hunter

54346 Johnny Cage Stunt Double

54347 Johnny Cage A-List

54352 Johnny Cage Ninja Mime

54528 Kano Cutthroat

54530 Kano Commando

54534 Kano

54545 Kano Klassic

54593 Kenshi Balanced

54594 Kenshi Possessed

54600 Kenshi

54611 Kenshi Ronin

54602 Kenshi Elder God

54669 Kitana Assassin

54674 Kitana Mournful

54677 Kitana Dark Empress

54693 Kitana Klassic

54681 Kitana Day of the Dead

55016 Kotal Kahn Blood God

55017 Kotal Kahn Sun God

55021 Kotal Kahn

55024 Kotal Kahn Dark Lord

55148 Kung Jin Bojutsu

55150 Kung Jin Shaolin

55153 Kung Jin

55156 Kung Jin Marksman

55180 Kung Lao Shaolin Master

55185 Kung Lao Hat Trick

55189 Kung Lao Revenant

55387 Lin Kuei

55405 Liu Kang Flaming Fists

55409 Liu Kang Dark Emperor

55788 Mileena Piercing

55795 Mileena Ravenous

61450 Monk

56414 Oni

56582 Osh-Tekk

57279 Quan Chi Warlock

57376 Raiden Thunder God

57396 Raiden Klassic

57401 Raiden Dark

57658 Reptile Nimble

57659 Reptile Noxious

57664 Reptile

57667 Reptile Kraken

58102 Saurian

58287 Scorpion Ninjitsu

58289 Scorpion Inferno

58294 Scorpion

58302 Scorpion Kold War

58308 Scorpion Injustice

58311 Scorpion Klassic

58312 Scorpion Hellspawn

58315 Scorpion Special Ops

59968 Sergeant

58831 Shinnok Bone Shaper

58848 Shirai Ryu

59803 Sonya Blade Demolition

59804 Sonya Blade Tactical

59808 Sonya Blade

59812 Sonya Blade Kold War

59816 Sonya Blade Klassic

60257 Sub-Zero

60262 Sub-Zero Cryomancer

60263 Sub-Zero Grandmaster

60267 Sub-Zero Revenant

60278 Sub-Zero Klassic

60271 Sub-Zero Kold War

60599 Tanya Kobu Jutsu

61092 Triborg Cyrax (LK-4D4)

61102 Triborg Sektor (LK-9T9)

61106 Triborg Smoke (LK-7T2)

59966 Trooper


Boss Character Cards:

(All Updated 1.10)


You can find how you can get boss cards at page 140.


53156 CutthroatKano (BM*)

56145 NoxiousReptile (BM)

53619 SonGodKotalKahn (BM)

50070 SpectrelErmec* (BM)

56743 InfernoScorpion (BM)

58630 Sub-Zero (BM)

53750 BonjutsuKungJin (BM)

53283 AssasinsKitana (BM)

53231 SpiritKenshi* (BM)

53623 KotalKahn (BM)

55104 Osh-Tekk (BM) (Crashing Game)

56741 NinjutsuScorpion (BM)

53755 KungJin (BM)

55781 WarlockQuan-Chi (BM)

50114 GunslingerErronBlack (CM*)

53229 RoninKenshi (CM)

58210 KoldWarSonyaBlade (CM)

53291 DarkEmpresKitana (CM)

53791 ReventKungLao (CM)

55901 DarkRaiden (CM)

52794 UnstoppableJasonVoorhees (CM)

56154 KrakenReptile (CM)

52966 UndeadHunterJohnnyCage (CM)

57257 BoneShaperShinnok (CM)

56756 KoldWarScorpion (CM)

52734 HightechJacquiBriggs (CM)

53174 KlassicKano (CM)

53626 DarkLordKotalKahn (CM)

53758 MarksmanKungJin (CM)

50075 PharaohErmac (CM)

58645 KoldWarSub-Zero (CM)

59443 CyraxTriborg (CM)

59453 SektorTriborg (CM)

59457 SmokeTriborg (CM)

58214 KlassicSonyaBlade (CM)

53296 DayoftheDeadKitana (CM)


*BM=Battle Mod

*CM=Challenge Mod

*Just Kenshi can damage to Spectrel Ermac.

*Spirit Kenshi is the most powerful card in game.He is immortal and he is not a boss character, a gold character so he is visible in your collection.If you want to get him, you will use Ronin Kenshi.



Equipment Cards:

(All Updated 1.11)


11985 Amulet

11986 Bracers

11987 Brawler Gloves

11988 Healing Herbs

11989 Hood

11990 Medallion

11991 Riot Gear

11992 Robes

11993 Shuriken

11994 Sword

11996 Blood Stone Ring

11997 Combat Shotgun

11998 Draconic Shield

11999 Dragon Essence

12000 Elemental Stones

12001 Executioner Axe

12002 Gladiator Mask

12003 Katana

12004 Outworld Gear

12005 Soul Elixir

12006 Bladed Fan

12007 Bladed Hat

12008 Body Armor

12009 Bound Demon

12010 Shaolin Bow

12011 Combat Knife

12012 Military Vest

12013 Cybernetic Arm

12014 Hockey Mask

12015 Ice Daggers

12016 Killer Wasp

12017 Shirai Ryu Kunai

12018 Power Glove

12019 Revolvers

12020 Razor Sai

12021 Red Headband

12022 Sacrificial Knife

12023 Saurian Armor

12024 Sento Blade

12025 Soul Medallion

12026 Storm Hat

12027 Subtle Tattoo

12028 Shinnok's Amulet

12029 Kobu Jutsu Blades

12030 Cyber Armor

12031 Wrath Hammer

12032 Bloody Shokan Armor

12033 Bloody Tomahawk

12034 Bloody Voodoo Doll

12035 Datusha, Bane Of The Moroi

12036 Devastator

12037 Blaze's Life Force

12038 Freddy's Glove


Support Cards:

(All Updated 1.11)


52047 Fujin's Blessing Card

55046 Kove

55394 Lin Kue Temple



Note:If you find incorrect codes or if you want to add new codes pls pm to me.I will edit it.


Warning: If you unlock unreleased characters in your collection (kold war sub-zero (he is in challenge pack but i would wait until his challenge or EAP is avaible), elder god kenshi) or use boss card you will get banned.

Guys i updated the packs and character codes for Android.Next time i will update bosses,equipments and support cards codes. Updated by ahmetali08

Elders, PLZ provide some advice.. Will unlocking ElderGod Kenshi and Freddy Krueger result my account getting banned since they're not in the game yet??? I unlocked Diamond Erron Black and Soec Ops Scorpion only becuz they were available in the game.. R there anyways to avoid getting banned when unlocking Kenshi or Freddy????? PLZ Reply, TY


I just found a code for free gift pack and changed the amount if free gifts. So i can get as much as i want instead of just 1 a day

Elders, PLZ provide some advice.. Will unlocking ElderGod Kenshi and Freddy Krueger result my account getting banned since they're not in the game yet??? I unlocked Diamond Erron Black and Soec Ops Scorpion only becuz they were available in the game.. R there anyways to avoid getting banned when unlocking Kenshi or Freddy????? PLZ Reply, TY

Yes sir it will get u banned within couple hours bro






I posted char codes and boss card few hours ago.



I just found a code for free gift pack and changed the amount if free gifts. So i can get as much as i want instead of just 1 a day


Yes sir it will get u banned within couple hours bro



I posted char codes and boss card few hours ago.


sr, i don't check before, can u give me source on cydia to get IGG crack ? I forgot to save :(

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      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/
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