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[*UPDATED*]Minecraft PE 0.9.5 Mods +

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[*UPDATED*] - Oct 23, 2014


Hello everyone, i made this mod for all of yall minecraft pe gamers who want to cheat.(Thanks for every one who helped me and taught me how to make mods for ios :))




NW - you have to create a new world in order for the mod to work

RJW - you have to re-join the world after using the mod(ex. shoot arrows with explosive arrows mods on, then rejoin.)



- iFlie / Other kind of file manager

- iPhone

- A Smart Person Like You


Here is the mod list :

*Instant-Kill mod(with help of xXtcikotciXx(P0isoniix)

*Speed mod

*No Fall Damage Mod

*Log Diamond Drop Mod

*Diamond Leaves Mod(NW)

*Save items Mod

*Explosive Arrows Mod(RJW)

*Infinite Health Mod

*HUGE inventory


*Larger Item/Block Stack Mod

*SUPER Pickaxe Mod






* The Diamond Leaves mod will make the game crash if you already have a world made out of normal leaves,

thats why you have to create a new world.


Here is the video tutorial for those don't know how to use the diamond leaves mod :



If you already have minecraft pe opened, and yo want to enable one of the mods listed below this line, you have to restart the whole app.

The reason why you gotta do this is because the code for this mods only run when you open the app.


Here is the list:

* Save items mod

* Explosive arrows


*Diamond leaves mod(again, you also have to create a new world for this one to work, else it will crash)




Here is the link to the mod(NO BUGS ANYMORE- read before enabling each mod):


How to install(iFile):

Way #1:

* Go to the link

* Click open with ifile

* Press Installer

* Respring(restart springboard in other words)


Way #2:

* Go to the link

* Download the debian package

* Go to the folder where you downloaded the deb & click on it

* Then press Install & respring


How to use:

* Open the settings app

* Scroll down untill you find a section named "MCPEmods" & click on it

* Disable and enable the mods you want

* Open Minecraft PE and that's all


Things you never do(jk):


* Open Cydia and tap on search

* Type in "mcpehack" and tap on it

* On the top-right corner, you'll see "Remove"

* Tap on it, then respring your device.


[*UPDATED*] - Oct 23, 2014


Hello everyone, i made this mod for all of yall minecraft pe gamers who want to cheat.(Thanks for every one who helped me and taught me how to make mods for ios :))




NW - you have to create a new world in order for the mod to work

RJW - you have to re-join the world after using the mod(ex. shoot arrows with explosive arrows mods on, then rejoin.)



- iFlie / Other kind of file manager

- iPhone

- A Smart Person Like You


Here is the mod list :

*Instant-Kill mod(with help of xXtcikotciXx(P0isoniix)

*Speed mod

*No Fall Damage Mod

*Log Diamond Drop Mod

*Diamond Leaves Mod(NW)

*Save items Mod

*Explosive Arrows Mod(RJW)

*Infinite Health Mod

*HUGE inventory


*Larger Item/Block Stack Mod

*SUPER Pickaxe Mod






* The Diamond Leaves mod will make the game crash if you already have a world made out of normal leaves,

thats why you have to create a new world.


Here is the video tutorial for those don't know how to use the diamond leaves mod :



If you already have minecraft pe opened, and yo want to enable one of the mods listed below this line, you have to restart the whole app.

The reason why you gotta do this is because the code for this mods only run when you open the app.


Here is the list:

* Save items mod

* Explosive arrows


*Diamond leaves mod(again, you also have to create a new world for this one to work, else it will crash)




Here is the link to the mod(NO BUGS ANYMORE- read before enabling each mod):

Hidden Content

React or reply to this topic to see the hidden content & download link.


How to install(iFile):

Way #1:

* Go to the link

* Click open with ifile

* Press Installer

* Respring(restart springboard in other words)


Way #2:

* Go to the link

* Download the debian package

* Go to the folder where you downloaded the deb & click on it

* Then press Install & respring


How to use:

* Open the settings app

* Scroll down untill you find a section named "MCPEmods" & click on it

* Disable and enable the mods you want

* Open Minecraft PE and that's all


Things you never do(jk):


* Open Cydia and tap on search

* Type in "mcpehack" and tap on it

* On the top-right corner, you'll see "Remove"

* Tap on it, then respring your device.



Added new update, this might fix the crashes, this time im 90% positive that this will fix the crashes,

if this update does not fix the "Can't Start the app" crash, then idk what else to do.

Make sure to TRY it!

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      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
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      Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/79-no-jailbreak-section/
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      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
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      Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/79-no-jailbreak-section/
      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
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      Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/topic/169137-exclusive-house-flipper-home-design-all-versions-2-cheats-unlimited-currencies/
      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
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