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  1. Hi, little question, why with the lateral installation Sideloadly tells me, downloading finished, then I press the start button, and Sideloadly stops and does not download. Anyone help?Thanks in advance!
  2. hi, I have a question, I execute to the letter all the steps regarding sideloadly, but when I click on install via sideloadly it starts downloading and at some point before finishing it closes without asking me for credentials or anything else, solutions? the game is last day on earth, when start the download, at 197mib on 360mib the app sideloadly crash, i try with with another game, marvel contest of champion and with this game work, if anyone have solution please say me, sorry for the inconvenience and thanks so much! @Torre
  3. My message? i modified the text now, if you were referring to that. But if you were referring to the game it's okay no problem, thanks! @Laxus
  4. Hi thanks for the update but, I saw that the game has been updated, so I tried to download it, when I start the game, the screen appears written, update (1/5): 0%. It crashes there and suddenly tells me an error while loading the new area, try again later. Can it be solved? Thanks @Laxus
  5. Please update this fantastic game bro, thanks!! When open the game, there is a request of update!
  6. Ciao fratello, ho una domanda, quale valore devo inserire per avere le linee guida come nella dimostrazione video che hai fatto? Ho provato a inserire valori ma le linee non si allungano, quindi ho provato ad attivare le linee guida in giochi speciali ma non funziona, mi puoi aiutare? grazie per il tuo tempo e scusa per l'inconveniente . @Laxus
  7. Don't work guys, my dna don't go up when spend, solution?
  8. Provo ad installare il gioco con cydia impactor però purtroppo si blocca alla voce Verifing application, mentre con altri giochi non ho questo tipo di problemi, consigli? Grazie!!! @Laxus
  9. @Laxus Sorry bro but this game crash! How to solve? Help please
  10. Nome del gioco che vuoi hackerato: Homescapes Versione del gioco: 2.3.0 la versione definitiva iTunes Link per l'app: https://itunes.apple.com/it/app/homescapes/id1195621598 Jailbroken o Non-Jailbroken: Non jailbroken Caratteristiche richieste: Risorse (Infinite Stars o spendi stelle per aumentare e denaro infinito) Sempre attivo Moves and Booster infinite
  11. Una volta scaricata l'app appena clicco per aprirla si chiude immediatamente, sapete aiutarmi?
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