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  1. any Barracks towers that spawn soldiers or so will cause defeat if they touch where the enemies spawn, that includes towers like "Grim Cemetery" , "Orc Warriors Den", "Dark Knights" & "Elite Harassers". So long as they touch where the enemies spawn, you will instantly lose. I don't believe this to be a bug of the official game, I believe this to be a bug with the cheat itself because how could they have let such a bug through for the game ? So if you have a Barracks tower near where enemies spawn and the soldiers move up towards where the enemies spawn, you will lose. Its happened to me with "Grim Cemetery" a lot, the zombies spawn around randomly, sometimes very close to where enemies spawn, then they move up to intercept enemies and you will lose! Once I was setting up multiple grim cemetery before i even started the first wave & I let the zombies spawn in, and one of them spawned past where the enemies spawn and I lost without even starting yet.
  2. @Laxus I also noticed if you equip the shop item “sarcophagus servants” if the mummies go past where the enemies spawn, you will lose instantly. It’s funny because if you think about it, both the mummies from the “sarcophagus servants” shop item and the skeletons that spawn from the “bone flingers” tower both go to the enemies spawn.
  3. I think I found the issue, if you equip the "Bone Flingers" tower and spend money/points on the upgrade "The Walking Dead" then you will notice soon after that you will lose. Its the skeleton tower with the upgrade that spawns skeleton soldiers. @Laxus
  4. @Laxus I downloaded the hack from the iosGods app after you just fixed the download. Playing missions now at the end of the Frost king area and I’m getting mission failures out of nowhere... (literally just playing and out of nowhere I get the failure message) — Also another issue I noticed, if any monster in any mission reaches the end, I automatically lose in any type of mission from 20 hearts to 1 instantly... From any 1 monster. — Could they have added a check for cheats ?
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