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Mansoor Gamer

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  1. which cheats are less likely to be detected? Which one do you recommend? God Mode - One Hit Kill - Multiply Attack - Multiply Defense - Auto Win - Make Enemies God Mode for some quests @Laxus
  2. Name of the game you want hacked: The army Version of the game: 25 iTunes Link for the app: https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/the-army/id6476567148 Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken: any of them works Requested Features: unlimited crown and gems
  3. It doesn’t record my name in ranks in battle field of time when I use the cheat but it works without cheats why ? which option should I turn on in shadow jb bypass @Laxus
  4. which one had high risk of getting banned in games rootful jb or rootless @Laxus
  5. crashes after 5 min and I’m using shadow jb and everything is on shadow jb. Should I do normal install or ishoud I do inject deb @Laxus
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