Its me again, after 3 days trying i have found a solution =))))))
Step 1: download another nonjailbreak hacked game (make sure that you can install that game for 100% success. I used hungryshark world non-jailbreaked cheats because i have installed this game like 100 times and i know that its never get error)
step 2: use cydia impactor 0.9.43 and Xcode->Revork certificate (this to avoid the "pending certificate error)
step 3: use cydia impactor 0.9.44 to install hungryshark world (or anygame at step1)
step 4 : when cydia impactor show up "complete" or "generating application map" (when the app shown up on your iphone), DON'T quit the impactor and click on "device-> install package-> choose GARDENSCAPES.ipa"
Now it wont crash cydiaimpactor anymore
it worked for my iphone 7+ 10.3.1 and 8+11.2.1. Hope it works for you guys