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  1. I did, and I still got banned. That only helps the game from crashing, not stoping the ban @Rook
  2. Nope, I have a jail broken device and used filza to install the .deb @Rook
  3. Got banned after 2 week of having the hack, if anything this hack for this game needs antiban until then expect to get banned from any hack on this game @DanYal @Rook
  4. Any chance there will be gold coins and silver coins hack with antiban? @DanYal
  5. Needs to be updated, doesn’t work any more @K_K
  6. Careful with this mod menu, there isn’t an anti-cheat detection. So your account can get banned for using this (I know because I got banned)
  7. @DiDA still having an issue with these two. My coins decrease instead of increase. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the mod menu and it still didn’t work. The only working method that increases my coins is resetting my skill points. And since it goes by 5s it’s annoying. Is there any other way to troubleshoot this problem or am I going to have to wait for another update?
  8. @DiDA so the only method I found working for the increase of coins is by resetting your skill points. But doing that repetitively is getting quiet annoying since it only goes by fives. Is they any way you could fix it so I could just purchase something for it to increase or is it going to be broken because of the update?
  9. This isn’t working for me, do I have to do something extra after selecting it in the iGMM?
  10. 10.0.4 keeps crashing, so I went to 10.0.9 which worked, however, when updating back to the latest version, my gems and coins don’t transfer, am I doing something wrong? Lol
  11. You will need: -Jailbroken/non-Jailbroken -FilzaEscaped/ or any file management -DR2C You can get: -Unlimited Zombo Points -Unlimited Resources (food, gas, etc.) -Unlimited Win count Step one: open and close the game after that, go to FilzaEscaped, /var/Mobile/Containers/Data/Application/DR2C/Library/Application Support/ Step two A: For unlimited Zombo Points and unlimited wins go to gstats.save open as a text file, and look for Zombo Points and ZomboP cap and change 0 (or if you already have some) to to amount you want. Same goes for the wins. Then press save, cancel, done. Step two B: For unlimited resources same location, however, click on 0.save. This one is a little bit more tricky. When you open the file as a text file, scroll down until you see “1 main-event-period!” you will see 0-7 trunk.loot! Change 1-7 “trunk.loot!” to the amount you want. After your completed that, save, cancel, done. Then go back to your game and your done. Have fun! If you have any questions, comments, or found out more you can do to the file without corrupting, let me know!
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