When I found out about IosGods yesterday, I was so happy. I created an account and then downloaded a game. Surprisingly it actually worked. But the email linked to my account was accidentally the wrong one, and there is no “create new account” option. So blah blah blah, I redownloaded the iosgods app and then downloaded 1 game. But later on I wanted to play another game, but when I tried to open it, it said untrusted! I went to setting, but it had the same profile as the first game and said trusted. I realized that maybe I have to download all the games at once and then trust them all, so I clicked “delete.” I then went on and downloaded a bunch of games, and trusted the profile afterwards. Still didn’t work! I tried the first game alone. Unverified! I realize pdf that if I deleted the game profile but kept it open after it deleted, the “Verify” button would be there. So once again, I deleted and downloaded the apps, then went to setting and pushed “verify.” NOTHING!!! It says “Need internet connection,” even though I have one. I went online and “common asked questions” on this website to see if I could resolve. Nothing worked. A webpage said to check ppl.Apple.com to check if it was online as this website was the one that verifies the apps. It just said “Ok.” I dont know if that means if it is online or not, BUT I STILL CAN’T FIX THIS ISSUSE! One other thing I tried was to update to iOS 16.3, but nothing.The last thing I did was use another device with a different Apple ID account, but this one said, “Cannot download.” Which, according to commonly asked questions, means revoked certificate. So now I am confused. I can confirm that these apps have a certificate, but I don’t know if all of a sudden it got revoked or something. Really confused! Also sorry about this being very long!