More context:
So in the picture, *Discord* is the original app, which syncs with *Discord3* which is my own cloned IPA.
*Discord2* is a cloned version that is old and I found it on an ipa site (somehow they managed to change up the keychain, containers and this one allows me to login to a different account without syncing anything with original *Discord* or *Discord3* cloned app
*Discord3* is my attempt at creating a clone version which syncs with *Discord* app
From what I can tell *Discord* and *Discord3* sync because they share same Team ID/Keychains and have access to same private group folders. Meanwhile the modded for *Discord2* managed to change the keychain and container names and create a whole separate clone that doesn’t access any other discord apps.
These are not in info.plist to modify, I tried editing the binary and changing up the 53Q6R32WPB keychains. It worked with hex editor/notepad ++ but the app will crash.
Please let me know if there is anyway to edit these with PC or any ios apps. Thank you all.
@Rook sorry for the pings but any idea?