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  1. up 👍🏼
  2. Name of the game you want hacked: Ping Pong Fury Version of the game: Google Play Store Link: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://play.google.com/store/apps/details%3Fid%3Duk.co.yakuto.PingPongKing%26hl%3Den_US%26gl%3DUS%26referrer%3Dutm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_term%3Dping%2Bpong%2Bfury%26pcampaignid%3DAPPU_1_O2FsYLugBtKIlwTJubroAg&ved=2ahUKEwj7qYD12-nvAhVSxIUKHcmcDi0Q5IQBMAB6BAgFEAQ&usg=AOvVaw2ySa-ENPt33PiGJ7dmhqtZ Rooted or Unrooted: Unrooted Requested Features: - buy for free
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  3. UP if possible.. add the possibility for enemy to not attack and/or God Mode
  4. for a problem I redid the Jailbreak by resetting all the tweaks. currently I have reinstalled only a part ... the menu mod now appears !! as soon as I find out which tweak blocked the de popup appearance, I'll let you know. thank you
  5. hi thanks for supporting me. for a problem I redid the Jailbreak by resetting all the tweaks. currently I have reinstalled only a part ... the menu mod now appears !! as soon as I find out which tweak blocked the de popup appearance, I'll let you know. thank you all
  6. I thank you for having responded. I have all the requirements, but when I install the .deb file and open the application, the Popup never appears. could the problem be the unc0ver version? (I currently downgraded to 3.0.1 ... with the latest release the application does not even start). or could some tweak cause problems ?
  7. Hi everyone, since I made the unc0ver jailbreak, I was no longer able to install the Mod Menu via a .deb file (Tweak). in a few words, I download and install, via Filza, the Mod file. Just to confirm the control that is also present in the installed Cydia packages. The file is installed and if I browse in the MobileSubstrate folder there are the two files .plist and .dylib of the modded application !! but nevertheless the menu never appears to me. it must be said that if I install an application already modded from the iosgod store, the menu appears. So I believe that the procedure that I carry out by stringing is not successful. have any of you, who have the Unc0ver Jailbreak 3.0.1 or higher, had this kind of problem? or can you tell me how to install the Mod manually? thank you
  8. Thanks for the reply. yes the Bundle ID version is the same. is there a way to install the menu manually ?? however I have an iPhone 6s iOS 12.1.2 with Unc0ver JB v3.1.3
  9. hello, I appreciate your work so much and you deserve all the possible respect of everyone. I tried to install the "Sword Art Online Integral Factor V1.2.6" MOD in every way, but the menu does not appear. I have an iPhone 6s iOS 12.1.2 with the Unc0ver jailbreak. Does this MOD work on this device with this Jailbreak ? Please can you help me understand how to properly install the iosgods Mod Menu ? I followed the guides, but they did nothing. here are the images of Filza when I install: http://ibb.co/2vnWtdq http://ibb.co/brRr5xT Thank's you much 😘
  10. is the mod in the settings or directly in the game?
  11. update please .. and someone explain to me how to install it 😢
  12. hi, i’ve an Iphone 6S woh iOS 12.1.2 jailbroken. i follow the guide for to install tue patch, but I don't get any results. can you help me, please ?? I need to be a VIP ??
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