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  1. @Rook Please , in coop quests, kill all enemy also kills his own team, come on it's a month, try to solve it, it probably takes 5 minutes
  2. @Rook Hi, great job as always even with this latest version, congratulations for solving the VIP mode bug "kill all enemies" in epic raids that now no longer kill the player. The only negative note, in online coop quests, the kill all enemies and the one hit kill also kill the player. You can work on it, as I see other players not suffering from this bug! Thank you!
  3. but do you also kill all enemies in coop quest does it also kill the player and in epic quest does it not reward?
  4. Hello, before closing the post I just wanted to ask you for advice. I tried to install everything via Zeon (which seemed to be the last hope to get everything working) But nothing to do, it still doesn't display the.deb files At this point I wanted to ask you for some advice, or better if, after having thrown away several tens of euros, it was also worth trying the unc0ver virtual jailbreak method or would it be a further useless expense? That you know the only way to make the .deb file work is the actual jailbreak , there is nothing ? Thanks
  5. No, it doesn't crash, but it's very jerky, I think it's probably the phone's fault that's too old. During the week I'll try to make one last attempt with the iphone 7 plus by installing the jailbreak with unc0ver and cydia lite which, however, is apparently paid for, around €10, hoping that the hacks will work this time!
  6. the coop quest loads around 66%, while the senkaimon, with great difficulty, starting the quest, crashing, resuming the quest and crashing again the end of stage, at least I can do the toughest stages, at this point I would like to understand if it is the phone or some problem of the game recognizing the jailbreak . But if I bought the vip of the non-jailbreak version, would the settings also present in the jailbreak version appear or at this point should I wait until the end of the year for the jailbreak of the 15.7.1 firmware to come out? thank you very much for any reply, and sorry for the english, but i'm writing through a translator
  7. Hi, please I wanted to ask you for help, but in the posts no one ever replies. I specifically bought an iphone 5s and a 7 plus to play with the hacks, on the 5s jailbrekkato the hacks work but it always crashes, on the iphone 7 plus instead having the firmware 15.7.1 not yet jailbreakable I installed the inject version via app sideloadly install everything correctly but instead of hacks with one hit, god mode kill all enemies, etc., there are only speed hacks and video records which, in addition to not working, are useless. at the moment i bought the vip jaillbreak package hoping it would work but nothing, i am willing to buy the other package for non jaillbreak phones as well, but i would like to be sure that this time it works.could you please answer?
  8. hi everyone, I also tried this method but unlike the app on my iphone 5s where 1 hit kill, god mode and the like appeared, here I only see speed hack and video recorder. Am I wrong something? I am a vip user of the jaillbreak section, do I have to subscribe for the non-jaillbreak version as well? Administrator or similar, kindly deign to answer? even negative is okay, but at least answer, thank you!
  9. Hi, can someone kindly give me some advice at least? I also bought the vip badge, but every time I try to enter an epic quest it freezes at 46.6% as it detects the jaillbreak, has anyone installed some useful tweaks from cydia or how did they fix it? I have the Freya jaillbreak, I have tried them all in the last 10 days, please any admin or user can advise me something? Thank you
  10. Can anyone help me ? I crash every time before opening an online quest. In single player I was hardly able to finish a single stage. I specifically bought an iphone 5 s, I would have no problems buying the vip pass but I would like to understand if this is the problem, the phone or the app, can someone give me some advice?
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