First of all all you need to have is LD Player 9
1. Set the shared disk to writable
2. set the root permission to enable
3. download virtual xposed from here
4. download game guardian from here
5. download speedhack finder from here
6. install virtual xposed and install game guardian in LDplayer
7. after finish your installation game guardian, go to xposed click the 6 dotted on the right and add app and select ur installed game guardian
8. delete ur game guardian in ld player
9. open game guardian in virtualxposed by sliding up in virtualxposed to show the application and follow the root popup
10. press fix it and scroll down to Use root in virtual space to -> yes then restart the virtual xposed, and open the game guardian again
11. Open game guardian in virtual xposed again
12. next open your installed blade idle (i assume you already install the mod game correctly)
13. next hide game guardian from game, select all option (it works for me)
14. once you already in the game, open game guardian and execute the speedhack finder you already download before, select fuzzy and wait until the scan finished, after the scan finished, change the value to what you want, and voila your speedhack works