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ViP Pro
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  1. Other moderators, the creator, ignore the responses of noobs in their topics. They think there is a template, everyone will understand there anyway, but this is not always the case, people have different devices, and only you and some on this forum can gently guide the noobs and advise on the essence of the game🎈🎈🎈

    1. Samadin


      Other moderators, the creator, ignore the responses of noobs in their topics. They think there is a template, everyone will understand there anyway, but this is not always the case, people have different devices, and only you and some on this forum can gently guide the noobs and advise on the essence of the game

      yes, you should take into account every noob in your mods, this is how you get a reputation among people and more people will come to us, no need to ignore requests, if you have time, write me please 🎈🎈🎈

    2. KyosukeNanbu


      Thanks for sharing your concerns.

      First of all, Puddin as well as the rest of the creators have put in a lot of work to make a reputation for themselves. That reputation includes being kind and helping those having trouble with their mods.

      Secondly, it’d be almost impossible to answer everyone on every mod they have. (Do you realize how many there are?) They do a great job at responding to as many as they can.

      Lastly, If you’re having an issue with a certain mod, feel free to pm me with some information and we’ll try to figure it out. 😁

    3. Puddin


      @Samadin Hey bro! What can I help you with? :dance:

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