@Rook Followed the steps but keep getting the error message "failed to prepare dylibs to inject. No data found in deb" when I click on "start".
Anyone know whats the issue? The IPA I used was for start wars galaxy of heroes. Also its for iphone 7 ios 15.7.2...hopefully the ios version isn't the issue as I found no way to downgrade
Heres the full error message:
Sideloadly version 0.28, Windows 10.0, amd64
Using IPA file: C:/Users/Mibu/Desktop/com.ea.starwarscapital.bv-0.31.0-Decrypted.ipa: 1214146e6668463de81d869c4ea1f3e4
Will use Local Anisette
Checking iOS version...
iOS version 15.7.2, will mangle bundleID
→ Unpacking com.gamegod.igg_0.2.6.1_iphoneos-arm.deb...
Failed to prepare dylibs to inject: No data found in deb