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Posts posted by AlyssaX64

  1. 21 hours ago, arborman1980 said:

    I believe I have come across an idea that could earn me an absolute fortune but am too scared to make any kind of prototype in case it is seen and imitated, patents take forever so I was thinking of selling the idea rather than product, I’ve done so much research etc and built a wonderful presentation but could anyone please advise me on being able to legally protect the idea? This could really make me millions £££ and I’m so scared of failing in some int small print format and losing an idea that could set my family and kids up for all our lives.

    thank you guys

    there are over 7 billion people in the world, if you truly think your idea is unique and hasn't been thought of I'd act fast before one of those other 7  billion people think of it too :D also you can google existing patents to see if someone already has one for your concept 

  2. 54 minutes ago, Hong Dang said:

    @sweggyttes not trying to be a pain. Tested magic wall stun works break doesn't work. Also impacts break doesn't work either. This was tested on Selee boss. 

    You’re not reading the features properly, the new armor break is the CC armor break which allows you to damage high defense bosses like maton sword it’s not the old tap to break boss parts. Impact break isn’t even a feature on the list so idk what you mean by that lol 

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