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  • iDevice
    iPad Air
  • iOS Version
  • Jailbroken
  • Android Device
    Galaxy S6
  • Android Version
    7.0 Nougat
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  • Location
    Point Nemo
  • Interests
    Jailbreaking iOS 11

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  1. There is a 500% chance you can get it from the red coupon box
  2. wait.. I thought AK-47, M16 and Shotgun are all released in the game, so, will it still crash? same thing as VSS
  3. Hmm, not really, I waited around 1h or so, and it could unlock again (I'm using the jailbroken iGMM hack) But if you crafted Lvl. 4 walls, and trunks, it should be fine, because I did, and my game worked fine. Also, idk why, I was using AK and the Vintorez in Bunker Alfa, then suddenly the game crashed and it was stuck at 97% (or so).
  4. I don't think that was a ban.. I experienced that a lot of times (usually after crashing for no reason in Bunker Alfa)
  5. Don't know about acid bath, but surely crafting military backpack won't crash your game, YouTubers crafted that backpack. However, in some circumstances, crafting the Trunk might crash your game... *building the trunk
  6. will placing the Bear Trap crash the game?
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