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  1. Yes, Satella is actually working very well
  2. this is a hard one, i love turtles, but if it were to choose from dogs/cats, im always on the cat team I also like ducks and gooses, sometimes hamsters i love fish aswell But my final answer is probably a fish
  3. Thanks for the reply, however I did not find any specific information regarding my device that mismatched the requirements, and to further support this argument, it only happens on only one app in particular, so I highly doubt that, but thanks for the advice! Edit: Specified the issue a bit more
  4. Hey guys, I was experiencing issues with the iOSGods iAP cracker on an iPad minu on 14.5.1, whereas upon a cracked transaction it rebooted at random. This glitch happened on only one game specifically, Terragenesis. It could have been caused by some sort of attempt at obstructing my iAP hack, but I am not sure. Edit: Turns out I had a faulty jailbreak.
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