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  1. does not work. it requires an update of the game.
  2. Thanks.Igamdguardian need to pay for? I did not know it
  3. Hello! iGameGuardian does not work, says: "Initlization failed. Plse contact the developer for help". Rebooting does not help, constantly coming out this error. What to do? My device: iphone 5s, ios 9.3.2
  4. I too Asian. you can make video how to receive a sponsor's box? Thank you 私もアジアです。 あなたは、受けるためにスポンサーが箱であるビデオを製造することができます?
  5. all the same I didn't understand: ((( it will turn out to make video? Thanks for answers
  6. and how to me to receive it. Sorry, my english is very bad I didn't find a sponsor's box
  7. and where to get them? sorry, but I didn't understand
  8. Somebody solved a problem with updating? P.S: Removal of game, and also an exit with GameCentre doesn't help. It turns out it is necessary to do a new account?
  9. Be impossible. What is 10 crates? Please, make video. Thank you!
  10. ty
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