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Posts posted by AlejitoT

  1. On 3/30/2018 at 8:02 AM, Titanian said:

    The game zooms in too much and the enemy attacks. It's like the patch has no effect at all.

    I thought it was an issue on my side and I removed and tried again.

    Can you please figure out what the issue might be? 

    I'm using this on iPad 4 and iOS 10, X32 version. 

    @DiDA, this might be an iPad 4 issue using the x32 version.  I have tried it on my iPad 4 on ios 10, and the same thing happens.  I also tried the x32 version on my iPad mini on ios 11, and as well as my iPhone 6s on ios 11, and x32 version works fine on those..   Can you please look into the x32 version and why it wouldn't work on and actual x32 idevice? Thanks bro...

  2. On 12/6/2017 at 2:47 PM, theomir said:

    I am afraid to use mod in uncollected event and MODOK LAB Kabam put new cheating detection in this for sure.

    I agree with you... in fact, I think they came out with new cheat detection in 16.0.0....   that's why I never use mod on my main account.  You just make additional accounts and see how far you can go before getting banned and have fun.  I have 4 extra accounts that have reached almost level 60 with moderate use of the mods and 1 uncollected account, that haven't been banned yet.  Just don't go crazy with using the mod... and Never use the mod on your main account...

  3. On 11/6/2017 at 5:08 PM, xLokiix said:

    Is it safe to use this for RoL? Also is there a list or something of the sort to show the best way to use this hack and what we should and should not use it for. Should I use it for my main account online or is it too risky and just make a new account and stick to using the hack on an offline account?

    My friend it's always how they say, "Better safe than sorry".  When I first stumbled upon this hack, I used it on my main account, and got banned twice. First ban was one week, and the second one month. The reason why they are not permanently banning me is probably because I spend a lot of dough on units.   I never even used the hack on ROL nor LOL yet.  They definitely check on those as well as AQ and AW. They might not do it right away but they will get to you eventually. So, I would say create other, no pay accounts where you don't spend a penny and use the hack on those. You will progress fast, but eventually you will get banned on those accounts if you use the hack incessantly. If you only use it on quests, but in moderation, you might getaway, as my cousin is using it moderately since 12.0, and hasn't been banned yet. OK, so you need a list what not to use it on, I would say nothing is safe because they probably have a flagging system in place and they will find out eventually. They just can't go through millions of world wide players just to find the thousands who use hacks. But I can tell you the quickest way to get a ban is to use the hack on ROL, LOL, RTL, any special Event Quest that is a Legend run (ex. Boss Rush), AW and AQ, any of the arenas if you don't lose every 20 or 30 set of fights, story quest chapters 4 and 5, and the current Tests of Valor.  You are definitely not safe using the hack on the game, but the items in the above list will definitely get you banned sooner rather than later. So, use the game on your main account AT YOUR OWN RISK, but if you want to try the hack and test how fast you can get somewhere, or just to have fun, then create other accounts that won't matter if you get banned. But I warn you the game is more addicting with the hack...    Cheers!

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