Can I please get some helps for this newbie.
I think I got the .deb installed via Filza and respring the device but my game doesn't seem to take the hack. When I first launch the game, I do get the "dynasty wariors: Unleashed cheats by cz1993, DiDA..etc", I hit "thank you" to get into the game. I'm not seeing a controller for cheat. Is there one? I tested the game and it was in normal mode, didn't see any cheats take affect. I watched the video at the beginning of post but didn't see it was using any "control" panel to get the cheats activated. what am I missing? Any help is appreciated.@DiDA
Oh how long does it take for Filza to install the cheat? When I click on the "install" it ran down the list and said "done" within 2-3 seconds. How long do I supposed to wait for the installation to complete?
I'm using Ipad air 2 on 9.3.3