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  1. Hi @Laxus, new version was out. Could u update the mod for us pls?Thanks
  2. thank you @Laxus, everything works fine now ❤️
  3. I use Checkra1n for iOS 14.6 iPhone7. It get crash while in loading screen of Guildwar, Duel (arena. it can go into story match, but got extrymly lag and crashed after 2-3 mins. Everything worked fine before the update.
  4. Hi @Laxus Can u check the mod? it crashed whenever going into battle at loading screen. Not even go into battle
  5. I dont think they will change it in appStore until the next update Could u update the mod today? I really need it. Thanks a lot ^^
  6. hi @Laxus, could u update the new 8.6.1 version? Thanks a lot
  7. mod ver 8.2.5 works perfectly without any problems. Thanks a lot @Laxus
  8. @Laxus New version was out. Can u update the mod and fix the issues: - Long loading into the map - Laggy in the map Thanks a lot ❤️
  9. It happens since I install the mod, no mater I turn the cheat on or off. Only when uninstall the mod, it come back as normal as the video above. Pls note that I've used the mod with IP7 for more than 2 years as normal before v8.2.0
  10. Thank you for your fast responsibility. I downloaded and tried V3. The loading screen is faster, but when in map it's still lag. I'd like to send 2 videos for u to compare, both using the same iPhone XSmax to test: - In map with the mod: - In map nomally without the mod: Could u recheck it again pls? @Laxus Thanks alot
  11. I've tried the newest one. Loading to the map faster but still laggy in battle. Test with IPhone XSMax
  12. I used v8.2.0 one that u updated on Nov 15th
  13. It got problem while entering Arena, Normal maps... need to wait very long time and: - With iPhone 7: it can not enter the map and got crash after mins as the link below: The problem solved when I uninstall the mod. It can go to the map normally. I've tried on 5 iphones 7 and got same problem. - With iPhone XSMax: It can enter the map after some mins (normally it takes about 20 seconds). But very laggy when in map. So could u recheck the mod again?
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