[Request] Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, 2.5
App you want hacked: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Version of the app: 2.5 iTunes URL for the app: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/hearthstone-heroes-warcraft/id625257520?mt=8 Requested features: I'm sure not all of these are possible but I listed the ones that I think would be nice to have
No arena entry cost or reduced cost (currently its 150 gold per entry)
Free expansion packs (Blackrock Mountain and Curse of Naxxramas)
Increase in gold rewarded for every three wins (currently it only gives you 10 gold per every 3 battles won. It takes 100 gold per card pack...)
Increase in gold for daily challenges
Get a Lightforge key in the arena from winning only one game (Lightforge is the key you receive when you win 12 games in one arena run)
Card injection from packs or arena rewards (i don't know if this is possible but this would be the best feature)
Reduced or no card crafting cost (arcane dust is what's used to craft the cards)
Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken: Jailbroken Thank you!