I am working on Final Fantasy VII Sephiroth mod. I edited all files inside the Final Fantasy VII *.ipa. So that part of the mod is done. Now I just need to place them back in *.ipa. I used the same way to put them back as I used to extract them. I just used 7zip. But I got error when I tried to install it. Actually the *.ipa I used (and before I modded it) did not also finish installation. It freezed at I believe application verification. There were also some saves inside this ff7 ipa and they were edited. So it was not "clean" ff7 ipa. I also found another ff7 ipa but that one took light years to download. And another ff7 ipa but that one failed to download. So maybe someone could help me with ff7 ipa and putting those files in it and installing it. Modding to the games files is done. The mod will include changing everyone to be Sephiroth-like. Everyone will have Sephiroth-like equipment (Masamune, Armor, accessory, stats, level 50 at start of the game, etc.). Everyone will also have special Sephiroth's immortality and invincibility. All attacks will do 0 damage to them (earth attacks will miss iirc) they will not lose HP and MP. Spells will not consume MP. Everyone will be immortal and controllable and immune to status effects except Sephiroth who will be mortal and controllable. This was made by altering Sephiroth's AI in game files. So I just would need some help with ipa file. By the way I am doing the same thing for Android. I modified the *.obb file for android. But the app checks the *.obb file and I get something like file validation failed. So I wonder if it would be possible for someone to remove *.obb validation from *.apk file.