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  1. Hello Ted2

    What's the best solution to hack & cheat data games  whitout jailbreack iphone ... ? 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lolswag


      don't think this is a matter that needs to wasting other peoples time

    3. thejedi45


      Thanks Zimon :)

      Lolswag  so why Mr Sherlock Holmes are you wast you'r time to talking me ? ;)

    4. Ted2


      You can edit binary & make .ipa hacks.


      Once that works, you can make JB hacks but you won't be able to test it.


      it's pretty hard though for beginner.

    5. thejedi45


      Thanks you for reply Ted2 :)

      i gonna work for. :)

  2. Nah finaly ITS WORK ^^ sorry , i was wrong lol ... !! - Unlimited Nitro Use <------- WORK - VIP Enabled <------- WORK- Unlimited Energy <------ WORK nice job team
  3. - Unlimited Nitro Use <------- NOT WORKING - VIP Enabled <------- NOT WORKING- Unlimited Energy <------ WORK Please FIX Unlimited Nitro and VIP Enabled ... that ' s not work ... :((((( :(
  4. Hello Yes you can get ban , like every cheat ... lol you CAN ' T find a cheat whit 100 % safe that ' s ---> not possible <--- Try you'r chance , but some people are playing in online whitout getting ban so ... try. So you too .. about the chest ... im getting stuck too :'(
  5. That s not ... i mean mana work very fine like a charm ... but you will stuck every time when you will open chest pvp or story .... ?????
  6. Thanks for the 2.0.2 update FINALY !!! but wait ... we are stuck when we need to open card .... that s say open 3 but not working please help .. stcuk for story mod and pvp ......
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